SHE HAS ASKED THE PARLIAMENT TO LOOK INTO THIS MATTER AND…ADVISE HER! She got married to her husband about three years ago and currently nursing the baby boy she had some months back. Prior to the time she was courting her husband…his only (and elder) sister never seemed to like her right from the word GO. Nothing she did ever elicits WARMTH from the woman…at best-the woman would give her a forced smile and quickly begin to ignore her again. She has tried (several times) to ask her husband what the lady said her offence is but her husband keeps brushing it off but he once told her that his sister said that she(this lady) looks like someone who is WILD and can pocket a man. She is yet to understand what that means…she had never met the woman in her life-prior to her relationship with the brother. So what could have prompted such conclusion from her? Her husband has two other (married) brothers but she is even the only one that shows courtesy to the woman-amongst the other wives in the family but it seems her ‘calmness’ is now being taken for granted. For example, this woman visits them in the city (where they reside) every few months and she has never made efforts to call to inform her (this lady) about her visit. She only calls the brother who only apologizes for ‘forgetting to inform her’-when the woman is at their door. Though, she is hospitable to this lady (whenever she visits)but she is miffed about the fact that she does not show COURTESY-by calling to tell her that she wants to visit. She feels TAKEN FOR GRANTED and she has asked the Parliament to advise her on how to handle this matter. This her husband’s elder sister is in her mid-40s , a teacher and single-never been married before. She is 29 years old. Her husband is 36. They are from the South East. Her husband is a pharmacist…she is a house wife…
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 04:51:23 +0000

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