SHE HAS WRITTEN TO THE PARLIAMENT…FOR OUR ADVICE. ‘’I have an issue I want the parliament to look into for me. Its about my relation; his widowed mother is my cousin. The issue is that the boy approached me (via FB) to assist him with 20k which according to him he wanted to use to pay up for his phone/computer repair lessons. I asked why a young boy his age (18 years) chose not to further his education and he told me its because of financial situation at home and also that he wanted to write his WAEC again (after first attempt) but doesnt have the money. I told him that I wont encourage him to drop out of school and will not render any help thats not for academic reasons and even encouraged him to at least get his WAEC certificate even if he decides not to further his education. He approached me again later and requested that I assist him to register for his WAEC which I agreed to do but on a second thought, I asked him why he didnt go to his mothers sister ,whos his aunt (also my cousin, within the same age bracket as me) because I know she has money and can afford to pay for his WAEC registration and he told me he begged her and the husband but they refused to pay for him again after the first attempt. I called my cousin to find out why she didnt want to assist him because I know she and her husband are capable and she told me that the boy is not serious. That she asked him times without number what he wants to do and he chose ‘computer repair’ which she and her husband paid for but the young boy kept coming back to extort more money from them and she told him never to come to them again -if theres no agreement on the actual amount needed. She also told me that any money given to the young man is s waste because hes not a serious person. Im tempted to align with her but a part of me thinks its only a serious boy that would want to learn a skill in the absence of other lucrative options, so I told the boy to go and have a heart-to-heart talk with his aunt and use all means possible including using his mother to beg and convince her that hes a serious person and willing to change. This is because I dont want a situation where my cousin whos also my very good friend will think I want to appear nicer than her before her nephew. Im surprised that the boys mother did not convince her younger sister to assist her son or tried approaching me by herself and I am beginning to wonder if or not the boy was telling the truth and if it is wise for me to even get involved. I can afford to give him 30k for the exam registration but Im bothered about a lot of things... First if hes telling the truth? Secondly, how my cousin will feel if I give him the money? Thirdly his uncle (also my cousin) has money, why didnt he go to him? And lastly why isn’t his mother making efforts to ask us (her sister, brother and I) to assist the boy? Please advise me. We are from the South East. I am married and living in Europe’’
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:27:37 +0000

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