SHE IS OUR SISTER, SHE IS A CHRISTIAN, AND SHE HAS BEEN SENTENCED TO DEATH BECAUSE OF HER FAITH : Asia BIBI could be set free, therefore saving her life or they could execute her… That depends largely on us (you and I). Can you help us with a small donation of $5 towards rescuing the life of Asia Bibis ? We need your help to make our voice heard around the world and generate a large enough outcry to the Pakistani authorities demanding the release this mother sentenced to death for a (false) complaint of blasphemy against Muhammad. Imagine that Asia is your mother, or your wife, or your sister, or your daughter ... Imagine how you would feel if she were forgotten by those who claim to be her brothers in faith, by those who say that stand for freedom, by those who are (conveniently) away from the horror of her imprisonment, her anguish, her execution, which can occur (God forbid) at any time. We have not forgotten her, nor will we. In fact, in order to alleviate part of the suffering of Asia and her family, Luis, representing CitizenGO and a delegation of and will travel to Pakistan in the coming days. They will deliver to Asia and her family, thousands of postcards, letters and messages of encouragement and support that we have collected for her worldwide. We can make it possible ! We have a duty and cannot abandon Asia Bibi and let her be killed. Your donation will permit us to travel to defend the life and liberty of Asia and to defend the right every human should be afforded: to practice their religion with liberty, without fear of imprisonment, persecution, or worse – to be killed for faith. It is our moral obligation to help her. Each person may contribute to what they can afford. If we do not defender her, how can we have the right to enjoy our own freedom. In February, Luis L., CitizenGO General Editor will travel to Multan, Pakistan with a delegation from and to visit Asia Bibi in prison. (Asia was previously being held in a jail located in Shakhupur, but Pakistani authorities moved her to a farther jail without notice to her family, or her lawyer). As you probably know, Asia Bibi is condemned to death, due to a false accusation of blasphemy against Muhammad. She has spent more than 3 years on death row, waiting for execution (this is a cruel form of torture). Asia is a Christian mother that has been separated from her children and husband for over 3 years. Each time her jail door opens, there is a chance it might be them coming to kill her. The real reason she is in prison is that she is a Christian that refuses to convert to Islam. They offered to set her free if she converted. She said no. I would rather die as Christian than leave prison as a Muslim. Luis L., IGNACIO, A. ( and Miguel V.( will travel to Pakistan in order to certify that Asia is (reasonably) well, considering the terrible circumstances. They will also have a meeting with the President of the Muslim Republic of Pakistan and local authorities for the purpose to plead for her freedom. Let us hope it is possible they can manage to free her from jail and take her (safe and sound) with her family to Spain., our sister organization, along with the Spanish Government is calling for her to receive political asylum in Spain. However, Asia Bibi is not the sole persecuted Christian (Christianity is the most persecuted religion around the world. In the 20th century the number of Christians killed because of their faith surpasses the total number of Christians killed for the same reason in the nineteenth centuries). For this reason, during the visit to Pakistan we want to shoot a documentary in order to: - Collect testimonies of Christian families who are being deprived of their freedom of religion. - Demonstrate to the international community that their most basic human rights are being violated. Report that Christians in Pakistan are considered second-class citizens. …and present it to the whole world. Also, we want to help relieve the anguish, the pain and the religious persecution of the Christians who suffer for their faith. PS : Remember our trip to Pakistan is imminent. We need your help as soon as possible. You can make your donation through this form: or through PayPal: https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=VQ5EKBR56BHQN whichever is more convenient for you. (Álvaro Zulueta and the whole team of CitizenGO).
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:31:27 +0000

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