✞ SHEMITAH Year is HERE ✡ September 25th BEGAN the - TopicsExpress


✞ SHEMITAH Year is HERE ✡ September 25th BEGAN the long-awaited Biblical SHEMITAH YEAR. It began with Rosh Hashanah, the Biblical Feast of Trumpets. It is customary to blow the trumpets once each day as a type of a WARNING, and the sound of the trumpet is a symbol of ALARM and JUDGMENT throughout the Holy Bible Scriptures. Rosh Hashanah is known as the Jewish New Year in Israel, and began at sundown just over a month ago, and also marked the appearance of a new moon. But THIS New Year on the Hebrew calendar is an important one. It is the Sabbath Year or “SHEMITAH” year. Just as the Seventh day was laid out by God as a day of rest, every SEVENTH YEAR was designated by God as a Sabbath year. The word “Shemitah” is translated as “the release” or “the remission” and applied to the WIPING AWAY of debts as well as the resting of the land. BUT, if Gods people were unfaithful and disobedient, then the OPPOSITE would happen, meaning NO REST for the people and their land, and the WIPING OUT of financial gain. So while God cancels the debt of His faithful, He would also bring financial curses on the unfaithful. Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes he has unlocked the mystery of the Shemitah’s meaning as it applies to modern-day nations. In his new book, “The “Mystery of the Shemitah,” he explains that nearly EVERY MAJOR U.S. Stock Market COLLAPSE since the early 1900s has occurred DURING a Shemitah Year, as did the TERRORIST ATTACK and stock market collapse of September 2001 AND the financial collapse of 2008. This coming Shemitah year runs through Sept. 13, 2015. Also, of even greater Prophetical significance, THIS coming Shemitah is a JUBILEE YEAR, the FINAL Shemitah of a set of 7. So the 7th Shemitah is always the MOST significant. For instance, after the 7th Shemitah year in 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed recognizing the rightful RETURN of the Jewish people to their God-given ancient homeland and ultimately the REBIRTH of the Nation of ISRAEL. And 7 Shemitah years later, in 1967, Israel RECLAIMED their ancient Biblical Capital of JERUSALEM! So what Biblical Prophecy will we see FULFILLED after this Shemitah year?!? Cahn rightly asks the question, What if the “Shemitah” contains an ominous warning about a wider collapse of NOT JUST stock markets or housing markets but potentially America’s VERY EXISTENCE as leader of the free world? I agree 100% with Cahn, that IF the Nation does NOT pull back from its CURRENT unGodly course under Barack Hussein Obama, and if Americans do NOT REPENT, the USA could be in for one of its most disastrous years in History, as this next Shemitah year plays out. The five GREATEST Economic crashes of the last 40 years – 1973, 1980, 1987, 2001 and 2008 – ALL occurred IN Shemitah years. As Cahn pointed out in his earlier book, The Harbinger, the crashes in 2001 and 2008 coincided PRECISELY with the EXACT END of the Shemitah year on the Hebrew calendar day of Elul 29. America as a Nation has increasingly DEPARTED from our God. Moreso than ever under Obama, who MOCKS the Holy Bible, promotes abominable sins in the culture, persecutes Christians, mistreats Israel and praises and endorses ISLAM in America. He has even went so far as to deny our history and openly claim that America is NOT a Christian Nation. So we have a leader who goes against EVERYTHING our Founding Fathers intended for this Judeo-Christian Nation. The USA was DEDICATED to God on April 30, 1789, the day George Washington was sworn in as its FIRST PRESIDENT. America’s FIRST DAY as a Nation with a full government in place was April 30, 1789. Immediately after Washington was sworn in, he left to PRAY at the little stone Christian Chapel in New York. That chapel was at the edge of what is today known as GROUND ZERO in New York City, America’s FIRST Capital, and the site of the worst Islamic Terror Attack on American soil in history. Because America was FORGED as a Nation UNDER GOD {of the Holy Bible}, it was BLESSED beyond that of ANY OTHER Nation to date in terms of its economy, military and international influence. But, while the agricultural concept of the Shemitah may no longer be in place, Cahn believes the blessing and judgment aspects of Shemitah STILL APPLY, and the past has proven that he is RIGHT. They apply especially for nations founded by people PROFESSING Judeo-Christian values. He presents compelling evidence throughout American history that when the Nation left its Godly ways and DEPARTED from its Godly values and The LORDS Commandments, in turn, The HAND of God’s Protection also seemed TO LEAVE. The TIME IS NOW for America to repent, to RETURN to our Maker, and to REINSTILL the Judeo-Christian principles, values and leaders which once brought our Nation such bountiful blessings. IF Americans DO NOT REPENT, and continue to follow Obama and unGodly men down the path of false-god worship, legalized sin and hostility towards Christians, Jews, Israel and the Holy Bible... then, after THIS Shemitah Year, there may NOT BE an America.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:54:24 +0000

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