SHENGENA FOREST WALK CAMPAIGN - SAME DISTRICT IN TANZANIA - AFRICA 2014 Dear Friends, Welcome to our second wonderfully shengena forest walk, after a highly flourishing in our previously event, Mohispac Foundation(charity organization ) is kindly inviting you to our next Shengena Forest walk campaign to be held on 26th May to 1st June 2014 at Same District in Kilimanjaro -Tanzania, Africa. The Shengena forest is the second largest forest in northern part of Tanzania after Kilimanjaro forest mountain and among of the few natural reserves still remained in Tanzania which is rich in numerous water springs, waterfalls, home to animals, reptiles and bird species rare in other parts of the world which needs protection implied to the promotion of both fauna and flora which attract many people to visit the forest and which supports the lives of more than 300,000 people. Our route of walk will start from Chome-Suji, Suji-Bwambo, Bwambo-Kirangare, Kirangare-Vugwama, Vugwama-Mpinji, Mpinji-Mamba (means crocodiles), Mamba-Lugulu, Lugulu-Mtii, Mtii–Bombo where we will celebrate environmental day on 1st June 2014 at Bombo with about 10,000 indigenous people, CSO’s, volunteers, activists, journalists, Government officers, Students, Companies and other so many stakeholders to cross finger together with us in promoting sustainable development of our forest. The event intends to advert Shengena biodiversity available and the way to protect it, promoting tourism attractions areas (peak of the mountain, sources of the streams, available species, etc), Pare cultures as an endorsement to conserve the forest, to launch 1 million trees planting campaign, to open student environmental clubs at their schools, to develop/promote awareness on forest carbon and the way it will benefit them if they will conserve the forest. The event will provides a platform for environmental stakeholders (walk participants/volunteers) and the local community to interact and promote awareness on the importance of protecting Shengena Forest, with the view of limiting the effects of drought and securing the endangered flora and fauna species in the forest. Currently the forest is faced with a number of man-initiated threats. These includes forest fires, encroachment for agriculture, tree felling for wood fuel, over pastoralism within the forest, lumbering for building materials (logs, timbers) which suffocate indigenous species caused by gold mines activities taking place illegally within the forest, corruptions among the officers of the forest. But now the forest, spring water, natural vegetation, species, wild animals are in danger to disappear due to the deforestation and Gold mines activities taking place within the forest. Therefore, the event intends to address man-initiated threats with the view of making a contribution in forest management, environmental education, researches, advocacy, stopping mines activities, restoring natural vegetation within and around the forest to improve their livelihood. Moral and financial support is highly need to enable this event to be accuracy thus why we are calling upon all environmental good wishers to join hands with us in saving the entirely forest, by either participating directly in our walk or enable/sponsor others to participate. The participants will get likelihood to visits either Ngorongoro, Mikumi, Serengeti, Selous, Manyara national parks or Mount Kilimanjaro for less cost once you register in as a volunteers. We need food for the 200 walkers, drinking water, 3000 t-shirts, 5000 flyers, 20 banners, 50 tents, 50 mattresses, 2 digital camera, 2 laptops, 1 Mil tree seeds, 120 rollers of polythene tubes, 20 hoes, 20 spades, 20 wire mesh, 20 rakes, 3000 caps, 20 wheel barrows,1000 bees boxes for low income women) and other technical supports. The companies/sponsors who wish to benefit in our campaign through putting their logo/charters to all the equipments they will provide for the event, we will use their logo to all of our activities, during the press conferences and to other areas which can adverts him (This golden chance for the companies/organizations to advert their companies through this wonderfully historical event on how you can benefit, please email us to send to you our fully proposal). Don’t delay to book and to invites your link/friends to join this historical event to come for less cost of $200 for meals, t-shirt and application fees e.t.c. The walk dubs “Stop silence to save Shengena forest for sustainable development.” Lastly but not least we thanks for our last event supporters (World Agroforestry Centre - Nairobi, Santas Diagonist Co. Ltd, Ngerengere river, Asasi ya kuhifadhi mazingira Kimang`a, Media companies, Journalists, Bloggers, individual supporters and so many others, really we have appreciated your adore in saving our heritage Shengena forest. (Please Google ICRAF visit Shengena forest) to see our last walk event report). Finally this campaign project needs your kindly support to save most adversely species which are in danger to disappear, poor farmers and pastoralist at the remoteness areas who are already grappling with water which are now drying up due to the human threats in the forest, rivers and sources of water from the peak of Shengena forest. More than 300,000 people will continue to benefit from the forest if and only if we will get your social, economical, technical, legal and moral supports. Therefore, these initiatives should be seen as experiments along the route to fully sustainable partnerships between people and their government in the joint custodianship of forests that provide benefits at local and national levels - including biodiversity conservation. We believe that Together We Can Make the World a Better Place to Live “We improve not only our lives but also the lives of our next generations. Any support will be enormous pleased. Thanks and be blessed for choosing to be part and parcel of this campaign. Rev. Nziacharo Makenya, Executive Director, Mohispac Foundation, B0x 77624 - Dar - Tanzania. Call: +255716876742/758888193 Email: mmohispacf@yahoo or
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:50:52 +0000

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