SHEPHERDS HOUSE - GRAND SQUARE, Abuja FCT. PASTOR TELENA-- SUNDAY SERVICE THE BATTLE OF IDENTITY MY NOTE: John 10:30-34 30 I and the Father are one.” 31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?” 33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” 34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” To conquer you must handle the issue of identity Identity crisis begins when your situation begin to question where God is Identity crisis is where there are too many questions in your life Identity crisis is when you dwell on Issues you cannot fathom If you dont know who you are you will become a customer to prophets If you dont know who you are you will jump around seeking help Salvation is regeneration and not a renovation U can be a victim of demonic arrows from the kingdom of darkness if you dont know who you are Your identity in life affects your journey How you are perceived determines how you are received If people have wrong perception of you, then you will have problems THE POWER OF UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU ARE Your identity becomes the kind of favor and opportunity you will have --- influences your favors and opportunities If you know who you are you will command favors Your identity in life affects your authorities When you know who you are your temptation should be multiple Story of Adam and Eve... Adam only knew what God told him... God says to Adam youre like me but when Adam sinned he lost his identity... Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. Your true identity is rooted in what God said about you Not what man or the devil says Your greatest victory lies in who you are The devil does not want you to know who you are The opinion of the devil and people about your life is inconsequential. You are who God says you are. Satan challenges you and you begin to let out negative utterances because you dont know who you are. Those disappointments, failure, rejection, mistake are not who you are so you must stay positive The more you pray the more problems... Even after going through wilderness you face bigger challenge, all because your identity is challenged The cloths, jewelry, shoes, luxury, money do not define me....I am who I am because He said I am. Men who suffer emotional instability are men who dont know who they are Satan is angry any day you discover who you are because who you are settles everything. Who you are picks and chooses your friends If you know who you are you will not befriend certain people Who you are stabilizes your life and keeps you on course with your destiny Some of us are so obsessed with what we desire that we deviate from who we are. All you need is discover who you are and everything will be in alignment Its only in the emotional stability that a man can connect with light Anxiety is a retrogressive thinking pattern A worrisome heart cannot engage divinity A worrisome man has been cut of from the realm of the spirit Why are you losing sleep when God has provided? No need to worry when you can ask from God! If you know who you are you will pray less and achieve more. Your superior mentality will lead you to thanksgiving. Let the impression of your father change and everything concerning you will change. God will glorify Himself through you if you acknowledge His kingdom. For ye are gods Your being, determines what you get. Your being, is your nature. John 3:1 Who you are is not your challenges but what He says concerning you The moment you know who you are it will dominate you The psychology of Satan changes when your psychology changes. Satan will not do to you what he does to others when you know who you are. May the word of light yield fruits in your lives, in the name of Jesus, amen! I love you! Roar;) PLEASE JOIN AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN PATRIOTIC MOVEMENT FACEBOOK PAGE AND WEBSITE AND SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT FOR PEACE, UNITY AND PATRIOTISM https://facebook/pages/Patriotic-Movement/577498175604321?ref=ts&fref=ts patrioticmovementng eeefy styleisinnate
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:29:48 +0000

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