SHIA QUESTION Narrators of Ghadir hadith among companions - TopicsExpress


SHIA QUESTION Narrators of Ghadir hadith among companions (Sahabe) Question:mention some narrators of Ghadir hadith from companions of prophet (Sahabe)? Answer: After collecting (110) names of chiefs of companions who have narrated Ghadir hadith, Allame Amini-pbuh-said in Al-ghadir (1): based on time conditions (2), numbers of these narrators should be multiplied, for companions who have heard and recited this hadith were more than 100’000 and naturally have iterated for the others while returning from journey, because everybody would narrate strange things they have seen during their journey. And we just shortly mention (25) items of what the author have mentioned (3): (1) Abu Harire Dusy who lived until the age of 78 and died in (59-57 L.H) (4). (2) Asma’ daughter of ‘Omayse Khasa’mmyah. Ibne Eghdeh has narrated from her document in Al-velayat book(5) (3) Ommo Salameh, prophet’s-may God bless him and his household- wife (6) (4) Ommo Hany ,daughter of Abu Taleb (5) Abu Hamze Anas Ibne Malek Ansary Khazraji, prophet’s-may God bless him and his household- servant died in (93 L.H) (8). (6) Jaber Ibne Abdollahe Ansary, has lived until the age of 94 and died in Medina in (73, 74, 78 L.H) (7) Abuzar Jondab Ibne Jenadeh Ghefary, died in (31) (10). (8) Hassan Ibne Sabet. For observing his biography and poem, refer to Ghadir poets part in first century(11) (9) Imam Hassan Mojtaba-pbuh-, son of Messenger of God-may God bless him and his household-. Ibne Eghdeh has narrated Imam Mojtaba-pbuh-hadith along with some documents in (12) and also did Jea’by in . Kharazmi also has mentioned him, one of Ghadir hadith narrators (13). (10) The chief of Martyrs, son of Messenger of God-may God bless him and his household-, Imam Hossein-pbuh (14). (11) Zobayr Ibne Avvame Qoraishy has been killed in (36 L.H) he is one of ten persons known as Ashara Mobbashara (15). has mentioned all of them as Ghadir hadith narrators (16). And also has mentioned him as Ghadir hadith narrator in (17). (12) Abu Ishaq Sa’d Ibne Abi Vaqas died in (54, 55, 56, 58 L.H) (18). (13) Abu Abdollah Salmane Farsi who lived around 300 years, died in (36, 37 L.H) (19). (14) Ayeshe daughter of Abu Bakr, Messenger of God’s-may God bless him and his household- wife. Ibne Eghade has quoted Ghadir hadith from her in (20). (15) Abbas Ibne Abdolmotalleb Ibne Hashem, Messenger of God’s-may God bless him and his household- uncle, died in (32 L.H) (21). (16) Abdollah Ibne Jafar Ibne Abi Hashemi, died in (80 H.L) Ibne Eghdeh has quoted his Ghadir hadith. He used this hadith for argument against Mo"avieh (22) (17) Abdollah Ibne Abbas, died in (72, 73 L.H) (23). (18) Abu Abdolrahmane Abdollah Ibne Omar Ibne Khattab A’dovi, died in (72, 73 L.H) (24). (19) Abu Abdolrahmane Abdollah Ibne Masud Hozali, buried in Baqi’, died in (32 or 33) (25). (20) Osman Ibne A’ffan, died in (35 H.L). He is one of ten persons known as Ashara Mobbashara and Ibne Moqazeli (25) has mentioned them by his own ways, like 100 narrators of Ghadir hadith. (21) Commander of faithful Ali Ibne Abby-Talib -pbuh- (27) his poem in Ghadir is well-know and it is quoted by reliable narrators. This poem and its narrators were mentioned in first century narrators part (28) and here we will have the story of argument of Imam Ali-pbuh- on Ghadir hadith in and days and his adjuring to Ghadir hadith in day. (22) Omar Ibne Khattab, was killed in (23L.H) (30). (23) Amro A’as(31). (24) Sediqe Tahere Fateme, dear daughter of Messenger of God-may God bless him and his household- (34) (25) Fateme, daughter of Hamzat Ibne Abdolmotalleb. Her hadith has been quoted by (35) and also in Al-ghadir book (36). 1. Look: Al-ghadir 144-41/1. 2. In Al-ghadir 144/1. 3. Following names have been mentioned by alphabet letters. 4. Look: Tahzib Al-mamalek[484/20, no4089]; Tahzib Al-tahzib 337:7[296/7]; Kharazmi Managheb:130 [p156, h184]; Al-dor Al-mansur 259:2 [19/3]; The history of Medina Mashregh [234/12]; The history of Kholafa: 114[p158]; Kanzo Al-emal 154:6[609/11, h32950, 157/13, h36486]. 5. Alvelayat book/152. 6. Javaher Al-eghdayn [p174]; Yanabi’ Al-mavaddat: 40[38/1, chapter 4]. 7. Javaher Al-eghdayn [p174]; Yanabi’ Al-mavaddat: 40[38/1, chapter 4]. 8. Al-ma’aref:291 [p580]; Maghtal Imam Al-hossein-pbuh-, Kharazmi [48/1]; the history of Kholafa: 114 [p158]; Kanzo Al-emmal 154:6 & 403 [609/11, h32950; and157/13, h36486]. 9. Al-estia’b, Ibn Abdo Al-bar473:2 [1099/part3, no 1855]; Kanz Al-emmal398:6] 137/13, h36430 and 36433]. 10. Fara’ed Al-samtin: chapter58 [315/1, h250]; Maghtal Al-imam Al-hoeein-pbuh- Khatib Kharazmi[48/1]. 11. Look: page 148-160 of this book. 12. Al-velayat book/150 13. These persons have mentioned him one of the companions who quoted Ghadir hadith: Zahabi in Al-ghadir book h121, Salehani, Shahabodin ‘Eejy in Tozih Al-dalael/197/b 14. Maqtal Al-imam Al-hoeein-pbuh- Kharazmi [48/1]. 15. According to a hadith related to prophet-may God bless him and his household- which was faked in Osman age , he gave good tidings in heaven to 10 people, so they became famous as Asharat Mobbasherat: Ali-pbuh-, Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman, Talhe, Zobeir, Sa’d Ibne Abi Vaghas, Abdol Rahman Ibne O’of, Abu Obayd Ibne Jarrah, Saeed Ibne Zayd Ibne Amro. And how wonder Ali-pbuh-and his enemies have gathered in heaven! R.K: Sonan Tarmazy 311/5, h3830, 3831 and 3832; Sonan Abi Davood 401/2, h4648; Mosnad Ahmad 193:1 and other print: 316/1, h1678; and this book/951-959. Taghio Din Moqrizi in Khatat Al-moqriziat: 332/2 claims these people were man of judgment during prophet -may God bless him and his household- lifetime; R.K: Hasar AL-ijtehad, Agha Bozorg Tehrani: 71. 16. Managheb Ali-Ibn-Abby Talib -pbuh-[p 27, h39]. 17. Asna Al-mataleb3: [p 48]. 18. Khasa’es of Amir Al-mo’menin, Hafez Nesa’ee:3[p 28, h9]; Val-sonan Al-kobra[107/5,h 8397]. 19. Fara’ed Al-samtin: chapter58 [315/1,h 250]. 20. Al-velayat book/152. 21. Asna Al-mataleb: 3 [p48]. 22. Look: book of Solaym Ibne Ghays[834/2 ,h42] 23. Amir Al-momenin Kasa’es, Hafez Nesa’ee:7 [p47, h 24]; and Al-sonan Al-kobra[112/5,h8405]. 24. Jame Ahadis [369/7, h23003]; the history of Kholafa: 114 [p158]; Kanz Al-emmal 154:6[609/11, h32950]. 25. Al-dor Al-mansur 298:2[117/3]; Fath Al-ghadir [60/2]; Ruh Al-ma’ani 348:2[193/6]. 26. Ali-Ibn-Abby Talib -pbuh- Managheb[p27,h39] 27. Mosnad Ahmad152:1[246/1,h1313] 28. Look: 145-147 29. Look: this book p56-59 30. Ali-Ibn-Abby Talib -pbuh- Managheb[p22,h31]; Riaz Al-nazarat, Moheb Al-din Tabary 161:2[113/3-114; and 204/4] 31. Al-imamat and Al-siasat, Ibne ghotbieh: 93 [97/1]; Kharazmi Managheb: 126 [p199, h240]. 32. Look: p165-168 of this book. 33. Look: Asna Al-mataleb, Ibne ghotbieh: 93 [97/1]. 34. Asna Al-mataleb[p150]; Mavvadat Al-ghorba, Ali Ibne Shahabo Din Hamadani: fifth Mavaddat. 35. Al-velayat book/153. 36. Comprehensive s e l e c tion of Al-ghadir, page 47.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 04:04:22 +0000

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