SHINE HUMANITY ENCOURAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Home About Us Sectors Target Groups Media Gallery How to Help us Mass Education & Development For All 012345 What we are? Shedo is a Non Government, Charitable, Social Organization, formed by a group of like minded, elite professionals and academicians from various segments of society. What we Do? The prime objective of the SHedo is to give Equal Access to Mass education and Development for all to transformation of individual into sustainable community. Get Involved.. You want to Help those who are Weak? Want to bring positive Change in anyones life? Feel free to Talk to us and we will tell You how small effort of Few can make Difference for Many. Play your Role.. Join Hands with Shedo. договор купли продажи действующий на основании договора комиссии договор продажи с частным лицом покупателем какой закон регламентирует прописку невыполнение решения суда ответственность руководителя незаконное использование имущества работодателя неприватизированная квартира юристby хочу чем нибудь заняться возврат жилья после его продажи как оформить человека на стажировку типовая форма 7 путевой лист государственная собственность это можно ли получать пособие в рб а жить в рф способствование раскрытию преступления сколько стоит в украине развод собственник изымает имущество находящееся в хозяйственном ведении Sahara Bano According to Recent statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Statistics last year, 3.8 million children in the age group of five to 14 years are working in our country out of a total of 40 million children. Shedo believes Education may be the only Way out to bring change in the life of oppressed children. shedo initiate Sahara Bano Project. Read more » Salika: Woman Empowerment Center Today, in every corner of our country, some women are denied basic human rights, beaten, raped, and killed by our man dominant society. Woman faces discrimination at her home, starting from womb to tomb. Shedo believe and want to enable women to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community. Salika (Woman Empowerment Center) …….. Read more » Hunar: Community Technology Center A high proportion of young boys and girls in rural areas do not have any opportunity to acquire computer skills which is important to both the educational process and a significant Contributor to achieving positive career outcomes. Shedo initiate Hunar (Community Development Center) to empower youth……… Read more » Show/Hide Footer Actions About Shedo Head Office: Physical Address: Nasirat Colony, Near Catholic Church, Phool Nagar, Punjab, Pakistan Reg No: RP-7668-L-S-12-3334 Account # 09827900469003 Telephone: 00 92 49 4510415 Sub Office: Physical Address: Mohlla Pirran Ghazi Chowk Tehsil Muridke District Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan Account # 09827900469003 Telephone: 00 92 04237990358 Overseas Office (Finland) Physical Address: Kapykankaantie 11 a 9 78870 Varkaus Finland Telephone: 00358400684166 Recent Activites October 27, 2012 Shedo has distributed Eid gift in underdeveloped schools of Phool Nagar through Sahra Bano Project. October 15, 2012 Inauguration Ceremony of Shedo lunch. April 02, 2012 Organization Name and operating areas finalization meeting.’ March 30, 2012 Selection of Boards of Directors processing starts. February 14, 2012 First Visionaries Meeting. Donate Online! Click below to Donate Online, and help us in Helping helpless! When you give to SHEDO, 99% of every Rupee/dollar “cash plus gifts-in-kind” goes directly to SHEDO projects.We are seeking donations. Read more….. Recent Activities Whose Life Will You Change This Ramadan July 20, 2013 Summer Camp for Poor and Orphan Children May 25, 2013 Raising the Power of Education (Make a small Donation ) April 3, 2013 Raising the Power of Education February 23, 2013 Like us on FaceBook Follow us on FaceBook
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:46:45 +0000

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