SHORT WISDOM LESSONS FROM LIFE EXPERIENCES spiritlessons/littlelessons.htm Here is an amazing article that has many wisdom keys he has compiled from his own life experiences as well as the many revelations he has read over the years from prophets like Rick Joyner, Anna Rountree, Mary K. Baxter and more. Here are some of them: -Its better to repent of your sins, 1 by 1, rather than just try to blanket over everything with 1 repentance prayer. -Faith moves God, but Forgiveness releases His Power. -Whatever youve prayed for, immediately declare with your mouth I believe, I receive so there will be no interference from any lack of faith -Any gospel that does not include living Holy is incomplete! -Beware of the Cross-Less gospel. It states that Jesus picked up His cross, but you dont have to. Sacrifice is still a major part of the Christians walk, but sacrifice only what the Lord commands you to. Your spiritual maturity is determined by how much you are willing to sacrifice for the Lord. -I repent for teaching the Once Saved Always Saved doctrine. I now see that it contradicts numerous scripture verses, it tends to lower people guard against sin, and it also contradicts many testimonies of people who have been shown Hell and seen backslidden Christians. -Many Christians, including myself, have violated the 4th Commandment, by not keeping Sabbaths/Sundays Holy. I has been prophetically spoken from different sources that if Christians are not keeping the Lords day sacred, they will be left behind. -Tithing is the mechanism for funding the Gospel. Those who withhold tithes and offerings from the Lord are disobedient Christians, they wont be ready for His return. -Holiness is still required to get into Heaven. -It is a false doctrine to tell Christians that after their first repentance, they never need to repent again for new sins. The blood of Jesus does not automatically wash away future sins, sins need to be repented of after they are committed. -When you accuse another person without the prompting of the Holy Spirit, youll be in danger of the trap of the enemy, who greatest weapon is using Christian to accuse other Christians, and cause division. Many times, in the name of defending the truth, we are often attacking the body. We are not doing God a favor by attacking His children. -Pride + Bible knowledge will get you as far as it did with the Pharisees -Jesus said, wait...until you are clothed with power from on high. If you want to serve the Lord without being clothed with power, it is foolish, unbiblical and much less effective. -There is a strong satanic movement in the Church to stop the spread of the Gift of the Prayer Language -Your good works dont earn you into Heaven, but your bad works CAN disqualify you, if not repented of. From Scripture we know that grace comes to those who repent, and Gods love comes to those who are surrendered to Him (the cross). Teaching people that Grace can come by other means than repentance is irresponsible, and its a dangerous doctrine to tell others that Gods love is not dependant on surrendering to Him. -Christians need to be ready to repent on a moments notice. -Neglecting, Ignoring and opposing the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. -Coming to the Lord, always to conduct business or seek knowledge, and not because you love Him, greaves His heart. It is like a loving Husband, whose wife is incapable of love or emotion, but is only concerned with duties and chores. I left my first love, and pursued duty, not His heart. The image of Jesus as a waiting Groom was not one that I knew. -The Father did not sow His Son, to reap a bunch of slaves. He wanted Children, not slaves. Leaving the slave mentality is something all Children of God must do. -Never set your eyes on any defiled thing. Your eyes are a gateway to your soul and it pours filth into your heart when you gaze upon them. -When you talk about someone, only say what you would be comfortable saying in their presence. -We often make the people closest to the Lord into our idols. -The greater your influence, the greater the ability you have to mislead people, when you are not walking with the Lord. Never esteem your influence, but take it with sober caution. -Many Christians are functional atheists. They believe the stories of the Bible, but if anything like those stories happens today, theyll be the first ones to call it false. -Many people are running TOWARD Christian Ministry and AWAY from the Lords presence at the same time. -You will need to go through many easy doors, to get the same spiritual growth as going through one hard door. -When a believer falls, the Christians will reach out their hands to restore, but religious people will reach out their swords to condemn. -If an pain caused by someone in your past still brings up negative emotions, then there is probably still un-forgiveness. -Avoiding deception from false prophets is important. But if you put too much emphasis on avoiding deception then you will reject the Lords true prophets. -You can fall at any level in your walk with Christ. Never think that youre invincible, because pride comes before a fall. When mountain climbing, you can quickly tell when you are falling, but it is not so spiritually. Most dont know when they are falling. -Evangelism is like a car, and the Understanding of Hell is like Gas. When a person doesnt know about Hell, he is much less likely to share the Gospel with others. -The higher spiritual authority you have, the greater you can fall without love and humility. The closer you get to the Lord, the more narrow the road becomes. - Dont try to fix the sinful nature, there is not fixing it. It must be crucified. The worlds solution is to cope with and improve upon the sinful nature, the Lords solution is to just kill by the cross & replace it with His nature.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:12:46 +0000

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