SHORTAGE OF NEWS ARTICLES AT SOUTHERN EYE The Bulawayo based journalists at SOUTHERN EYE are running out of NEWS ARTICLES to write as they are still fighting the holiday hangover and fighting to make ends meet as the Newspaper is failing to pay workers in time. Njabulo Ncube the Editor teamed up with one girl Privilege Shoko a student at one Tertiary College and some negative forces in the MDC-T who are not happy with financial and structures stability in the party and resurrected a 2013 old new item that wasnt captured that time because it is not newsworthy. May I ask Njabulo Ncube and Privilege who asked them to write about the ECOCASH DONATIONS issue which we have already forgotten about. We know some negative forces in the party who were part of the ECOCASH DONATIONS exercise wen Mangoma and Biti stole and ran away with the party funds are behind these OLD NEWS articles because this is the second one in as many months. When Njabulo Ncube phoned the MDC-T NATIONAL SPOKESMAN Hon Obert Gutu you could tell that he was under pressure to resurrected something old and make it news because he was very negative and wit a mission. Let me put the record straight to Privilege Shoko who is yet to finish her journalism studies and Njabulo Ncube who was eager to get the MDC-T on his front page writing falsehoods about 14 Councilors leaving the MDC-T that the party is back on its feet after Mnangagwa tried and failed to use Tendai Biti to takeover the party. 2015 is the year you will see the MDC-T that you have never seen before. Mdc-t is coming successful Congress compared to Gamatox/Weevils ConGRACE and compared to the doomed President Biti/President Mangoma/President Welshman Ncube power-hungry coalition without a Congress. 2015 Mdc-t will roll out powerful programs that will see the Gamatox group and the rebels joining the BIG TENT and rescue the Nation. 2015 a major event will happen and the Nation will resume Diplomatic relations with 4 major western countries and Morgan Tsvangirai will oversee all the direct engagements with the outside world. We appeal to Southern Eye to focus their attention on the economy as the Zanu pf government attempts to swindle people through the re-introduction of the COINS and Zimdollar. If you dont have anything to report go fishing Polite Musarurwa Mdc-t Information
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:46:15 +0000

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