SHOULD THIS SEVERELY INJURED INDO-PACIFIC HUMPBACK DOLPHIN BE CAPTURED FOR REHABILITATION? This is a tough call! But let me share about Nari - one of the local Bottlenoses in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. He sustained severe injury to his head from a shark attack. Fortunately, SeaWorld came to the rescue by gently capturing Nari for treatment and rehabilitation. After Nari was fully recovered, SeaWorld released him back to his home waters. I believe Naris success story was attributed to SeaWorlds experience in rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing small free-ranging cetaceans and other marine life. Link: Now, if this severely injured Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin had been in Moreton Bay or anywhere along the Queensland coast, I am sure SeaWorld would make the right decision on the dolphins behalf after a thorough assessment. If the dolphin appears to be a good candidate for rehabilitation, SeaWorld would follow through like it did for Nari. The problem is, the dolphin is in the Hong Kong waters instead of Moreton Bay. Is there an organization that specializes in the care of free-ranging cetaceans that are injured? If the dolphin being captured for rehabilitation is not possible, how about on-site intervention where antibiotics can be administered? I would very much hope that the ones looking after the dolphin will make the right decision so that healing can take place without too much stress. LAURICE
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:23:11 +0000

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