SHOWING OUR NATIVE AMERICAN PRIDE Many people dont understand - TopicsExpress


SHOWING OUR NATIVE AMERICAN PRIDE Many people dont understand the enormous pride Native American Indians take in the United States of America. We should , proudly place the American flag at our campsites, and in front of our homes. It is our country, we have fought for it , aided it in many wars , died for it and we love it too. Before they took the , 2000 census, I told all of my relatives and friends who were even a fractional part Native American Indian to sign the census to proclaim their heritage. For many years our families have kept to themselves the information that their blood contained that of our Indian ancestors. We are of the People. We must embrace our heritage, no matter the percentage of blood we still contain , of the People The people of every country SHOULD feel like their own country is the greatest country on Earth. I can not speak for them, but, THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, support it, nurture it, grow it, love it, display the flag and/or flag stickers, and make our WORLD a better place for those who come after us. If we cant do these things, we have two options: (1) Either live here QUIETLY reaping the many benefits of The United States of America, or (2) Go to some other country that you CAN support, nurture, grow, love, display their flag and/or flag stickers, and still do your small part to make our world a better place for those who come after us. The American flag has always been an important patriotic symbol of the United States. For Native Americans, however, the flag has had a number of meanings. During the 1860s when warfare between Plains Indians and the U.S. Army escalated, Plains men captured American flags from the army and made decorative use of flag imagery to demonstrate their success as warriors. Other Native Americans joined the Army and wore images of the flag on their uniforms, as a symbol of their military service. Members of their family, mothers, sisters, and children have also used flag imagery to show respect for and pride in their military relative. After 1870-1895, Plains people used the flag as a form of limited protection, flying it to prevent attack or interference when they held ceremonial events. Around the same time Native American women also began to incorporate the image of the flag on everyday objects such as baskets, pincushions, and rugs made for sale to tourists. A majority of these men and women enlisted, and a disproportional number served in combat positions: Navy, air, surface, submarine, seal team, Marine Corps Recon and amphibious infantry, Army tank battalions, airborne-ranger units, and artillery batteries, Air Force, Coast Guard. At first glance, these statistics might seem surprising. After all, historically, the U.S. military is a part of our history too. Were proud to Americans ,or should be . Cetan
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:11:12 +0000

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