SHUT IT DOWN! September 20, 2014 We are but a small - TopicsExpress


SHUT IT DOWN! September 20, 2014 We are but a small representation of Americans who are unsettled and deeply concerned with our current Administration, in all branches of Federal and State governments. Our mission is to Shut Down, every United States’ Port of Entry on the Southern Border, until our Goals are met. By doing this, we will stop approximately 1.4 Billions dollars of trade, per day, from going into, and out of, Mexico and The United States of America. This action will force the elected officials in The United States and Mexico, to come up with a permanent and legitimate solution for dealing with the Illegal Immigration issue, enforce our rule of law, and bring our Marine, Sgt. Tahmooressi, home. This protects all American citizens and those legal immigrants who wish to come here the legal way. The Border Shut Down will remain in place, until our Goals are met, in writing, from both the United States and the Mexican governments. Our Goals, as follows, are non-negotiable: 1. Immediately and unconditionally, release Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. 2. Give the United States Border Patrol and ICE Agents back their authority to complete their job and defend the immigration laws of The United States. 3. A clear plan of action to permanently seal off our Southern border, by means of an electrified fence with razor wire (or similar equivalent) and adding any and all additional Border Patrol Agents and militarized National Guard members needed to further deter any unauthorized entry. The Southern border MUST be sealed. 4. Allow Border Patrol Officers and ICE Agents to detain and remove, any and all illegal aliens, especially including armed gang members, cartel members, and drug mules; overturning current procedure. End “catch and release”, permanently. 5. All blanket foreign aid bookmarked for Mexico is immediately halted and reallocated to assist Mexico in securing their own safety, sovereignty and financial success for their citizens. 6. Mexico is held responsible for 50% of all of the costs associated with The United States’ processing and return of all illegal aliens, entering via the Mexican border with the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary holding facilities, medical care, clothing, food, bathing essentials, transportation, etc. 7. All illegal aliens are to be deported immediately to their Country of origin. Their home country will be responsible for the remaining 50% of the costs associated with the processing and return of their citizens, as mentioned above. 8. Repeal the Trust Act and enforce all Federal Immigration Laws, ensuring there are no more Sanctuary Cities. 9. End all Federal and State Government financial, educational and medical assistance to all illegal aliens. 10. Pass a Federal law stating that any company or organization, willfully employing an illegal alien will be charged with a felony, if a sole proprietor, or a 1 million dollar fine for a corporation, per instance. May God Bless America and the citizens that stand in defense of her!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:28:54 +0000

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