SHUT UP!D0NT C0MPARE Y0URSELF WITH HIM 0R HER.ITS DIFFERENT DESTINIES,DIFFERENT SEAS0NS.S0 SHUT UP I SAY-I met a young lady just yesterday at the Aboru area of ipaja,here in lagos.she began by shouting on her mother that her mother was a witch that her mother was behind her 38,she already had 3 different husbands,3 different children,now she is back to her fathers house.just as I was about leaving the scene,a young lady told me of how she lost her little boy of 5yrs to a fire incident.I got home pretty late and as my wife was dishing my evening meal I read a story of how a mother was sharing the testimony of her daughter who just graduated as a medical doctor and her son winning the American visa!I just sat down and I began to ask myself why some regions of the earth have sunshine while others are experiencing moonlight?why does the moon and the sun not manifest at the same time?have U̶̲̥̅̊ ever asked urself why things are not moving the way U̶̲̥̅̊ planned?just then I had a voice behind me:SHUT UP!D0NT C0MPARE URSELF WITH HIM 0R HER.DIFFERENT DESTINIES,DIFFERENT SEASONS.S0 SHUT UP I SAY.then it occured to me again and again that every harvest is tied to a season!while s0me are crying,some are laughing.that is why U̶̲̥̅̊ must NEVER,I repeat,NEVER envy or make a mockery of others!do not compare urself with that man,that woman doing well.the truth is that God has given everyone of us different seasons,can I pray for someone out there this monday morning?I stand to declare not as a police inspector but as a MAN 0F G0D Sent to U̶̲̥̅̊ via this medium that THAT TRIALS 0F URS SHALL TURN T0 UR TESTIM0NY THIS WEEK!THE G0D 0F TIMES AND SEAS0NS WILL MAKE A WAY F0R U̶̲̥̅̊ ,G0D WILL GIVE U̶̲̥̅̊ A FASTF0RWARD!I SCATTER EVERY SATANIC PLAN T0 PR0VOKE U̶̲̥̅̊ T0 ACT OUTSIDE UR SEASON!S0 SHUT UP!D0NT C0MPARE URSELF WITH HIM 0R HER.DIFFERENT DESTINIES,DIFFERENT SEAS0NS.S0 SHUT UP I SAY!join me 12noon(lunch break)at the lord of lords chapel of the christain police fellowship as I will be ministering LIVE!G0D BLESS U̶̲̥̅̊ !I RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 03:45:45 +0000

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