SI ECONOMY NEEDS BIGGER PUSH FOR SUSTAINABILITY: PM By Charlie Salini PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare addressed the launching of the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government’s Policy Statement and Policy Strategy and Translation this morning that the Solomon Islands Economy needs more momentum to sustain its growth rate this year. “The DCC group was overwhelmingly convinced that our economy needs a bigger push to achieve and sustain our economic growth prospect for 2015 and beyond at no less than 5%. With high annual population growth and inflationary rates, we need to sustain our economic growth rate at more than 5% so we can at least maintain our standard of living,” PM Sogavare said. He mentioned that the DCC Government is placing policy emphasis on development sectors which relates to sectoral reform. The Prime Minister explained that the sectoral reform agenda is an emphasis on the productive, economic and finance sectors. He said his government prioritises the productive sector on the basis to stimulate our economic development. “With declining economic activities in logging and the uncertainty as to when mining activities will resume, it is incumbent on my Government that other productive players like the tourism industry, fisheries and agriculture, infrastructure, mining and energy, education and health and medical services are stimulated and supported to sustain growth,” PM Sogavare said. He added, the DCC Government wishes to put in place good economic and finance governance policies to ensure that the financial sector plays a stimulating role in growing our economy. The DCC Government are to ensure in its implementation approaches that the capital must move to where comparative advantages are and the financial sector must be efficient in facilitating the movement of capital to where they are most needed for productive economic activities, Sogavare said. He stated, all reform programmes will be driven from his office where staff within his office and the cabinet will work closely with all ministries to implement development programmes.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:07:37 +0000

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