SICK....of some Black American women and their BULLSHIT excuses - TopicsExpress


SICK....of some Black American women and their BULLSHIT excuses for why they cant get along with African women. Please judge this situation. The famed Black American writer (and Im a fan of her work)...but writer Gloria Mallette was OFFENDED that I wrote the following to a White woman on her page: KOLA: I dont see true racial hate coming from Black Americans. I have lived here a good 30 years. What I see is abused and psychologically harassed people reacting to a society that does not welcome or care for them. **In 30 years, I cant honestly say that Ive encountered a Black American who was truly hateful of Whites. The Whites automatically have the upper hand and I resent it just as strongly as AAs do. Then Gloria Mallette wrote: Kola Boof in your 30 years in this country apparently hasnt given you a full picture of racism. Study the 60s and then tell me what you think. You say that African Americans are , abused and psychologically harassed people reacting to a society that does not welcome or care for them. I am really kind of offended by your description of African Americans. I know I for one do not feel abused and psychologically harassed, as my forefathers might have been. We are a strong people who have survived much, and yet, we, as a people for the most part, do not hold hate in our hearts for our beginnings in this country. We treat others with respect and kindness unless they show they are not deserving. Like Rosemary Lynn Hoffman said, I know black people who are just as bigoted as some white people and I dont like them either. I have never put a color as a qualified for friendship. And the truth is, my white friends are just as dear to me as my black friends. Kola, I am thinking that you need to widen your horizon and meet a hell of a lot more African Americans. **THIS IS A CONSTANT pettiness that I experience with Black American women. My words and meanings are twisted and treated with distrust because I am an African woman who is getting attention that these Black American Writers, Feminists, etc. think should be going to them. These women LIE On me; misrepresent what Ive said and how it was meant; are cold and disdainful of me. I am sick of this petty shit. I have left the WHITE WOMANs comments out (as clearly you can see that Gloria is defending Rosemary against me, the big bad African). But can anyone read these two paragraphs and get where Im willfully trying to offend and attack Black American people?
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:50:35 +0000

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