SIDDUR HOKHMATH ISRAEL IS ALMOST HERE!!! West African Jewish - TopicsExpress


SIDDUR HOKHMATH ISRAEL IS ALMOST HERE!!! West African Jewish Traditions vs Innovations… Unfortunately, many Jewish people that WE have encountered, have dared to insinuate that the traditions of the West African Jews of the Diaspora, are innovations, which are generally forbidden according to THE Halakha (the HaZaL). The emphasis on the definite article in caps, THE Halakha (the rulings according to the Talmud), is used because many Jews confuse their minhag (traditions) for THE Halakha (the rulings of the Shoftim), which cannot be superseded and as decreed by Torah, as incumbent upon ALL Jews to follow. Devarim/Deut 17,9-14 The reality is that most popular Ashqenazic and Sephardic liturgic minhagim of the Jewish world, are actually products of 14th -17th century ‘innovations’, many Jews from these groyps are oblivious to this fact. For instance, one of the most popular and essential prayers in modern Judaism is called the Modeh Ani (‘I Offer Thanks’), is a requirement made by many Jews to say when waking up before getting up. While it is a beautiful prayer, the Modeh Ani, does not appear in any the works of RaMBaM, Shulhan Aruh and nor is it mentioned in the works of the HaZaL (the sages/Shoftim of Israel ie the Talmud)… The credit to its origins seems to be linked to a Kabbalistic Sephardic community in the 17th century CE, and first made its advent in an Ashkenazi siddur called Derekh Yeshara 1687. Since it is very easy to remember, it is taught that this prayer was used to teach children the importance recite prayers upon waking-up, and helped for kawanna (righteous intentions) development purposes. I must add, although it is certainly not forbidden to add personal prayers to help bring a pleasant and more fulfilling experience with our Maker, to make the Modeh Ani a necessary requirement to fulfill a miswoth, when our sages have already supplied us with the words of prayer upon waking up is indeed a form innovation. This phenomenon doesn’t stop there, but there are a list of prayers, rituals and traditions that have been added as ‘post injunctions’ that other rabbis can acknowledge to support these facts. However, it has always been the purpose of the WAJD (West African Jews of the Diaspora) to adhere to the ancient customs of our forefathers, and return to the proper way of practicing Torah injunctions according to the prophets and Shoftim of Yisrael. For this and other reasons, the WAJD have just completed the body of their siddur ‘Hokhmath Israel’, that gives the Laws and customs according to our Sages and forefathers. It is written in Hebrew, our traditional Hebrew Transliteration and English. It doesnt matter at what level of Hebrew reading or comprehension that a WAJD individual may find themselves, we are certain that such a format will also increase your flow, comprehension and appreciation for Shabbath and Week Day services. However, before we begin to print hard copies for Jewish communities here abroad, we are extending an opportunity to you to have a pre-published limited edition of this beautiful work of over 300 plus pages of beautiful traditional Shabbath liturgical prayers. Bear in mind that there will only be a limited edition of hard copies made with luxurious, genuine burgundy leather with gold leaf printing. This particular copy will only serve as a momentum and icon of our milestone. In the meanwhile, the soft cover Erev Shabbath version will be available on Amazon soon. It is our prayer that our siddur will not only serve to bring unity to the WAJD communities, but will also serve to bring a person to a more ancient practice, greater personal experience in serving the Most High, yirath hashamayyim (fear/reverence of heaven) and ultimately will help in the geulah shelema (complete redemption) of Yisrael, b’ezroth HaShem.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:29:23 +0000

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