SIDEBAR: As a die hard NFL fan I hope this week the game gets back - TopicsExpress


SIDEBAR: As a die hard NFL fan I hope this week the game gets back to basics..By that I mean making headlines for what goes on between the lines and not outside them..I pray that there are no new cases of domestic violence being reported this week..I hope those that have had their lives turned upside down by DV find a healing resolution to their problems..My wish is also that all perpetrators at every level be dealt with fairly and just ..By this I mean NFL commissioner Roger Goodell too..Roger Goodell essentially got up on a podium this week and blew smoke up our asses with his self serving soliloquy on the leagues new stance on DV..Please know that this issue is not about race..However one cannot look aside from the facts that a group of young black NFL athletes have now been punished. albeit at their own hands for their transgressions to the point that their careers as players are essentially over, while Goodell, who is equally guilty of trying to hide behind lies and deception will continue to receive his $40 million salary (the players who are declared exempt will also get theirs) and keep his job..As an avid fan & follower of the NFL Ive seen in past years how Goodell has dealt harshly with players whove crossed the line on league policy, giving no leniency and having a zero tolerance for ignorance as it has been his mantra that being ignorant to the facts is no excuse..If Goodell didnt have all the facts in these DV cases (which is a bold lie) him being ignorant to them is no excuse as well..Especially with being him the head man in the NFL..Their is a serious game of cloak & dagger going on here which cannot and should not be tolerated..If the league wants to clean house on domestic violence and put this ugly issue behind them, then there has to be a total cleansing in one fell swoop..If the perpetrators of domestic violence should not play in the NFL then Roger Goodell must be fired..Anything otherwise sends a clear cut message that their is a double standard here and lies & deceit are accepted as normal business practices of the hierarchy while truth, integrity and getting it right as Goodell and may other NFL owners pointed out this week shall only apply to those who wear a helmet..One mans opinion..
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:21:35 +0000

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