SIERRA LEONE FINANCE MINISTER DEDICATES WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY TO ALL EBOLA FIGHTERS. No one has ever doubted the ability of Sierra Leoneans to turn difficulties round, but can we turn the current Ebola epidemic round? Well, Sierra Leone Finance Minister Hon. Dr. Kaifala Marah concretely believes so, especially under the current Leadership of His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma. Speaking to Sierra Leoneans during World Humanitarian Day with a sense of double purpose, commitment and sincere concern for his nation; the competent communicator who is well known for being order oriented, affiliative, supportive, empathetic, flexible behaviorally and relax in social interactions. Highly ranked among the few politicians in Sierra Leone that are yet to loose their authority in the eyes of the populace, his words must wake up Sierra Leoneans from all sectors of life to combat the deadly Ebola virus. He issue the following key note address to the people: KEY NOTE ADDRESS OF FINANCE MINISTER HON. DR. KAIFALA MARAH. Prior to this time, politics in Sierra Leone is a way of making money. Today, under the current leadership of Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, politics is not all about politicians making money for themselves. Its about improving the country and the lives of the people. The President believe that we are not put on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through. Thats why the overriding theme of the President always is to fight corruption actively and make the country better. Hence the massive response by the President to completely put an end to the current Ebola epidemic is a clean manifestation of his determination to all Sierra Leoneans that as long as we are alive, that means we have infinite potentials. We can do anything, dream anything if we can fight Ebola together in Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone will surely overcome the current epidemic. The current epidemic speaks volumes of the human and economic crises that are happening in our country. About 80% of all the activities today are geared towards the fighting of the deadly Ebola virus. The virus is becoming more violent, and thus giving less sleep to all Sierra Leoneas everyday. As we celebrate the brave men and women (mainly professionals) who expose themselves to extreme danger to save others, we need to think about how to tackle this virus and prevent it from reoccurring. This epidemic continue to pervade our society in ways and levels unprecedented. All sectors of the society are currently affected by this epidemic. Instead of the traditional sector that was initially known to reject the reality of Ebola, other sectors that attract the reality have become affected as well. The violent virus have now spared to family, education, business and commerce, local and international trade among others. Not even religious people has been spared. As a Government, our President is desperately concern. The President and those in the center of the fight to eradicate Ebola believe that souls recognize each other by the way they feel not by the way they look. And its during the worse time of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you. As a responsible Government under the leadership of President Koroma we will always care for our people. The current epidemic leave any sane human being troubled. I believe I fall in this category of sane, peace loving homo-sapiens and I believe we should be more concerned and creative in building our efforts and commitment in resolving the current epidemic. This view of togetherness in combating the current epidemic should increase determination in the aforementioned sectors, plus aggravated demands and sophistication of operations in each area are inevitable. I believe that the essence of any and every Sierra Leonean today is to prevent a certain spread of the epidemic. Look at our doctors, teachers, disaster managers, farmers, politicians, journalist and anybody else you want to. They are all acting in the process of combating a certain spread of the Ebola virus, be it psychological or otherwise. We must continue to act with responsibility and rectitude to combat the current deadly Ebola virus in our country. In fact, I must commend the remarkable spirit of compassion and reaching out exhibited so far nationally and internationally in the fight to stop the virus spreading in our country. This must be the norm in tough times like these. This is incredibly important, because it shows us whats possible, not only for ourselves but for our society. This is why the media is expanding their understanding of their role in times like this. Today, the job of the media in our country is not just to report thats dreadful, corrupt, dysfunctional and violent in our country but whats working, and the powerful and humane ways people in communities respond to put an end to the deadly virus in our country. Surely, we are all true heroes that merit gallant salute. Lets endure and face the challenge squarely.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 12:32:23 +0000

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