SIERRA LEONE PRINT MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS- MONDAY 17TH MARCH, 2014 AWOKO EU delegation visits project sites Hannah Cole and Anton Jensun from the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation (Europe Aid) are on a working visit to Sierra Leone to discuss the EU’s new national cooperation program in Sierra Leone focusing on agriculture, rural development, food security, education, good governance and infrastructure/roads. The paper further informs that the two have visited slum communities in Freetown where the World Food Program is working in partnership with BRAC to implement sanitation and food security projects. Irish Aid prioritises Sierra Leone To celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on 14th March 2014, the Head of the Irish Embassy in Freetown, Madam Sinead Walsh, has revealed that Sierra Leone has been placed on the list of Irish Aid’s eight top priorities in the world and that a Sierra Leonean has been appointed by the Irish Government to serve in the Irish Aid Expert Advisory Group. She added that Irish Aid will continue to focus on its priority areas of addressing food security and promoting women’s issues. Standard Times quote Madam Sinead Walsh as disclosing that since 2005, Ireland has invested about 83 million Euros in aid in Sierra Leone. Suggestions to the Constitutional Review Committee An article in the paper has called on the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) to eliminate fundamental principles of state policy, protect the whole spectrum of human rights, remove the Constitutional monopoly of the Supreme Court and protect important bodies like the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Human Rights Commission. The article appealed to the Constitutional Review Committee to recognise that sovereignty and ownership of the land and natural resources are vested in the people as well as to strengthen the supremacy of the Constitution. Minimum wage out soon After months of negotiations involving parties to the Joint National Negotiating Board comprising Labor Ministry and the Sierra Leone Labor Congress, the Board has proposed a minimum wage of Le500, 000 to replace the current minimum wage of Le21, 000 a month for civil servants. The paper continues that the Board took into consideration the recent budget of the Minister of Finance, Government’s Agenda for Prosperity and the current worldwide recession and its implications on the local economy in terms of significant increase in the cost of living. Sierra Rutile pays Le2.6 billion to mining communities Some of the dailies inform that Sierra Rutile Mining Company has disbursed this year’s surface rent payments amounting to Le2.6 billion to Chiefdom Authorities and landowners in five chiefdoms in Moyamba and Bonthe Districts, South of the country. The paper continues that the Paramount Chiefs also received 15% of their entitlements, Chiefdom Administration 10% with 15% going to the District Councils and 10% to the basket fund for development while the remaining 50% is shared among landowners as stipulated in the Mines and Minerals Act. OSIWA capacitates Foreign Ministry The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) on 14th March 2014 donated office equipment including computers and accessories to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at enhancing its capacity to promote good governance as well as respond to the demands of civil society and the public. The paper went on to quote the Country Director of OSIWA, Mr. Joe Pemagbi as stressing that the donation is part of the strategic plan of OSIWA to assist Government institutions to respond to the demands of the people including accountability and provision of services. CONCORD TIMES Stakeholders discuss climate change Civil Society Advocacy Network on Climate Change and the Environment, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Ministry of Lands and other stakeholders have visited the water catchment areas around the Freetown peninsula to assess the level of destruction on the forest reserve and how it can be mitigated. The paper reveals that the water catchment areas supply water to Freetown but that Guma Valley Dam is under serious threat due to human activities. In a related development, the paper reports that the Ministry of Water Resources has confirmed Mr Samuel Bangura, the former Acting Director-General as Director-General of the Sierra Leone Water Company. ERSG mourns with Sierra Leone The Executive Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Sierra Leone, Mr Jens Anders Toyberg-Frandzen has offered his condolences to the bereaved family, the Government and people of Sierra Leone for the death of the country’s former President, Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, a development he said has left him saddened. According to Mr Toyberg-Frandzen, the former President will be remembered as a dedicated statesman who demonstrated leadership during and after the decade-long civil war and helped to steer the country along the path of peace and stability that it enjoys today. In a related development, New Vision and other dailies report that Parliament will open a book of condolence for the late President on 21st March and that he will be buried on 23rd March 2014. The papers went on to quote the Chairman of the Planning Committee, Vice President Sam Sumana, as revealing that the ex-President will be accorded a state funeral and that foreign dignitaries will attend the ceremony. STANDARD TIMES APC to observe Youth League Day The APC National Youth League Day will be observed on 23rd March 2014 on the theme ‘How Can Youths Dismantle Networks of Indiscipline and Lawlessness to Benefit from the Agenda for Prosperity.’ According to the President of the Youth League, Mr Bai Mamoud Bangura, the celebration will include a quiz competition with participants to be drawn from tertiary institutions who are members of the League and that President Ernest Koroma will deliver the keynote address. AWARENESS TIMES West Africa CSOs analyses security situation The West Africa Civil Society Forum has in a strategic meeting in Dakar, Senegal, expressed concern over the socio-political instability in the region. The paper also informs that the meeting analysed the security situation in Mali, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and other countries in the sub-region. ACC concludes five-year validation The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on 12th March 2014 concluded the validation of the draft National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 for the Eastern Region before the compilation and subsequent presentation of the final document. Some of the papers continue that the workshop, held at the International Fund for Agriculture Development Technical Assistance Agency headquarters in Kenema, brought together about 40 Heads of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Kenema and Kailahun Districts. The papers also inform that the previous strategy expired in 2013 which resulted to the Commission putting together a team of consultants to develop a new five-year strategy that should lay the framework for the fight against corruption for 2014-2018. THE DEMOCRAT National Campaign Against Lawlessness to be launched The Executive Director of the National Campaign Against Lawlessness, Mr Ibarahim Kamara has revealed that lawlessness will only be minimised if people have the required civic education. The paper adds that Mr Kamara went on to state that citizens have a moral obligation to refrain from lawlessness and work towards the development of the country and informs that the campaign will focus on youth violence, financial indiscipline and drug abuse among other social vices. PREMIER NEWS Le70 billion to rehabilitate 25 streets in Freetown The Executive-Director of the Sierra Leone Road Maintenance Fund Administration, Mr Abdul Kalokoh on 12th March 2014 informed the Parliamentary Committee on Works, Infrastructure and Maintenance that his institution has disbursed Le70 billion to the Sierra Leone Roads Authority for the rehabilitation of 25 streets in Freetown. Mr Kalokoh further reveals that the Authority has also disbursed Le1.4 billion to Local Councils nationwide for the rehabilitation of feeder roads. Citizens complain high cost of fish According to the paper, residents in Freetown have complained about the increase in the price of fish that has resulted to most homes going without the protein. The paper informs that the price of fish has increased from Le180, 000 for a cartoon of snapper to Le220, 000 and attributes this to the export of fish and bad weather. THE NEW CITIZEN OGP launches National Action Plan The Open Government Initiative, with support from the Millennium Challenge Cooperation Coordinating Unit in the Office of the Chief of Staff at State House on 14th March 2014 launched the Public Consultation Program for the National Action Plan under the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Sierra Leone Initiative at State House in Freetown. The paper quotes the Chief of Staff at State House, Dr Richard Konteh as enlightening that the OGP is to make Governments more open, accountable and responsive to the needs of the people adding that it is also to bring CSOs, the private sector and Governments together to discuss national issues and citizens’ participation. THE TRUMPET Foreign Ministry appoints Minister Plenipotentiary The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the appointment of Mr. James Sawi, Deputy Director-General to the position of Minister Plenipotentiary to be assigned to the new Sierra Leone Embassy in South Korea. THE NEW STORM Kono District unhappy with APC Government The paper claims that the people of Kono District, Eastern Sierra Leone, have expressed dissatisfaction over the slow pace of development and the non-availability of basic services like water and electricity supply despite the fact that the District registered the highest number of votes in the Eastern Region for the APC. The paper further quotes some of the residents as revealing that the District lacks proper sanitation and toilet facilities, good roads and underscores that cost of living and youth unemployment are also high. THE EXCLUSIVE SLPP to hold retreat in Guinea According to the paper, the SLPP will organise a retreat in Guinea from 21st-24th March 2014 to reconcile, restructure the party and chart the way forward. The paper adds that on the way to Guinea, the executive of the party will update supporters about developments in the party. The papers reviewed today are: The Trumpet, Premier News, The Democrat, The New Citizen, The Exclusive, Standard Times, Global Times, Awareness Times, Awoko, Concord Times, The New Storm and New Vision. The above summary of news reports reflects the views of the papers reviewed today not that of the United Nations.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 01:25:36 +0000

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