SIERRA LEONE PRINT MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS-Friday 31st Jnauary, - TopicsExpress


SIERRA LEONE PRINT MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS-Friday 31st Jnauary, 2014 AWOKO Central Bank enacts tough laws against money laundering The Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone, Mr. Sheku Sesay has said that Sierra Leone is not a heaven for money-launderers and must not be perceived as such and asserting that the country has tough laws against anti-money laundering and counterfeit financing under terrorism laws. According to the paper, the Governor further underscored that increased attention and focus on the suppression of the crimes on money-laundering and counterfeit financing under terrorism has been necessitated by Sierra Leone’s accession to various international treaties such as the UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotics and the International Convention for the Suppressing of Financing of Terrorism. Civil servants trained for effective service delivery With support from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and in collaboration with the Civil Service Training Center in Ghana, the Human Resources Management Office in Freetown on 20th January 2014 organized a day’s workshop on Ethical Leadership for Quality Productivity Improvement at Njala Venue, Lumley in Freetown. According to some of the papers, the workshop was to train civil servants to meet international best practices thus improving their performance. Chinese Ambassador visits dam and road projects The Chinese Ambassador in Sierra Leone, Mr. Zhao Yanbo has visited the construction sites of the hydro-electric dam at Charlotte and the Regent/Hill Station Road, both in the Western Area and sponsored by the Chinese Government. The paper continues to quote the Chinese Ambassador as revealing that on completion, the two projects will help enhance the country’s status, and adding that the two contractors promised that the projects will be completed on time. Metrological station installed at new airport site The Ministry of Transport and Aviation, in collaboration with the Metrological Department, has installed a new metrological station at the site of the new international airport to be constructed at Mamamah in the Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko District. Most of the papers enlighten that the station will provide information that will help the contractor to determine the location of the runway and informs that the cost for the construction of the airport is $312 million that is a concessional loan from the EXIM Bank of China. CONCORD TIMES “Salary increase will help curb corruption” - Police spokesman The Head of the Police Media Unit, Superintendent Ibrahim Samura has informed the paper that the new salary increase by Government will go a long way in curbing corruption within the police force but urged Government to do more by ensuring that their salary is competitive with other police forces in the sub-region. According to Superintendent Ibrahim Samura, the least police officer now receives $100 a month while their counterparts in the sub-region such as Ghana are paid $800 monthly. AWARENESS TIMES Evaluation of MDAs ends today The three-day evaluation of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) ends at the Njala Venue in Freetown on 31st January 2014. The paper continues that the process is to enhance efficiency and improve the culture of service delivery according to the Performance Contracts MDAs signed with the President. PPRC sensitizes pupils on mandate The Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) on 31st January 2014 sensitized pupils of the Bethel Nursery and Preparatory School on its mandate and role. The papers went on to inform that the Commission also educated the pupils about the roles of the Youth and Gender Units in the PPRC that focus on youth, gender advocacy, empowerment, political participation and the challenges the Commission faced in the 2012 elections. NEW VISION MDAs violate imprest rules The 2012 Audit Report has accused various Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of spending over Le1 billion on special imprest, and this is contrary to Section 87 subsection 1 of the rules. The paper further quotes the report as stating that the money was used for various activities but that retirement details were not made available for inspection. THE DEMOCRAT SLPP MP highlights Government lapses The SLPP Member of Parliament representing Constituency 73 in the Bo District, Hon. Jusufu Mansaray has highlighted lapses in the areas of education, healthcare and the wellbeing of the citizenry. According to the paper, the MP further disclosed that while Government has increased youth participation in politics, increased the salary of civil servants and allocations to MDAs, Government has not done well in terms of looking after the welfare of the masses. In a related development, Sierra Express Media reports that the leader of the CDP, Mr. Joshua Carew has accused Government of not addressing the basic needs of the people and institutionalizing corruption. GLOBAL TIMES Paramount Chiefs discuss Constitutional Review Process Over 100 Paramount Chiefs assembled in Kenema District from 28th to 30th January 2014 to discuss the review of the Sierra Leone Constitution as well as their own role in ensuring an inclusive and transparent process. The paper went on to quote the Chairman of the Constitutional Review Committee, Justice Edmond Cowan as enlightening that to make the Constitution credible and to include rural areas, Paramount Chiefs have to empower their people, make them understand and enable them participate in the review process. The paper concludes that UNIPSIL has been working with political parties, traditional and religious leaders, youth and women’s groups to enhance their understanding on Constitutional issues and support their initiatives of an inclusive and participatory Constitutional Review Process since 2013. The story is carried in several dailies. THE VOICE Human rights groups concern about the death penalty According to the paper, Sierra Leone is updating its Constitution for the first time since 1991 and that one of the issues being watched closely by human rights groups is the abolition of the death penalty. The paper further informs that Sierra Leone currently has a moratorium on executions recalling that the last executions were in 1998. PRMIER NEWS Government pledges to implement Freedom of Information Law The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication, Mr. Theo Nicol informed journalists on 30th January 2014 that the Ministry is working to ensure the implementation of the Access to Freedom of Information Law but pointed out that this cannot be done without capacitating Information Officers who will be responsible for the implementation of the Act. According to the paper, the Society for Democratic Initiative, with support from Action Aid International, will on 4th February 2014 organize a two-day training program for 50 Information Officers from different Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on records management and access to information. THE TORCHLIGHT Minister inspects new Embassy Building in Addis Ababa The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Samura Kamara on 29th January 2014 inspected the site of the new Sierra Leone Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to evaluate the work done so far. According to the paper, the Minister said he is impressed with the 80% work done for which he promised, on return home, to urge the Minister of Finance to remit the remaining funds for the work to be completed within the next three months. The paper concludes that the building comprises a Chancery, the Ambassador’s residence and a Presidential VIP Suite. P.S. The papers reviewed today are: The New Storm, Politico, The Satellite, The Nationalist, Independent Observer, Standard Times, Global Times, Awoko, Concord Times, Awareness Times and The Trumpet. The above summary of news reports reflects the views of the papers reviewed today not that of the United Nations. NOTE: Plans are on the way to establish Africa Print Media Support Group (APMSG). The group’s mission shall be centered on providing financial, material and training support to Africa Print Media.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 00:00:52 +0000

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