SIERRA LEONE REGION IN AFRICA ANNOUNCES INDEFINITE CITIZEN LOCKDOWN: 2 MILLION PEOPLE FORCED INTO ENDLESS QUARANTINE AS FOOD PRICES SKY ROCKET Excerpt: ...High-density population areas of Sierra Leone have just been locked down in the largest pandemic quarantine in history, and its already causing a collapse of the food delivery infrastructure. The local government says forced isolation orders will remain in effect until Ebola is eradicated. This essentially means that millions of people are now under a state of military quarantine until they either become immune to Ebola or die from it. President Ernest Bai Koroma put Port Loko, Bombali, and Moyamba districts under isolation with immediate effect, allowing only people delivering essential services to enter and circulate within these areas, reports Associated Press. [1] The restrictions will remain in place until the chain of transmission is broken, officials said. AP goes on to report: Sierra Leone on Thursday took the dramatic step of sealing off districts where more than 1 million people live as it and other West African countries struggle to control the Ebola outbreak that has claimed thousands of lives. The food delivery infrastructure of Sierra Leone has now collapsed The problem with quarantines is that they restrict the movement of goods and services (i.e. food, medicine, etc.) at the same time they restrict the movement of an infectious virus. Predictably, the enforcement of quarantines across Sierra Leone have caused a collapse in that nations food delivery infrastructure. This, of course, is causing food prices to skyrocket: prices have soared, some markets have shut and the delivery of goods has slowed, reports AP. Its classic supply and demand, of course, and its a universal phenomenon. That means it will also happen in the United States, Europe, Canada or anywhere else a quarantine is put into effect. SIX HARSH LESSONS IN THE REALITY OF FOOD SHORTAGES AND QUARANTINES... FOR REST OF STORY GO TO LINK... Learn more: naturalnews/047027_Sierra_Leone_quarantine_food_shortages.html#ixzz3Gq7aRO8d
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 03:14:36 +0000

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