SIERRA LEONE UNDER WATER!!!!!!!! **De Pa di Wok** We thank - TopicsExpress


SIERRA LEONE UNDER WATER!!!!!!!! **De Pa di Wok** We thank President Ernest Koroma for all the roads and lovely shiny new buildings. We thank President Ernest Koroma for encouraging free speech and allowing us to make it absolutely clear that we are not in favour of the selective amending of the constitution to favour one individual and create a 3rd Presidential term. They say: De Pa di wok New roads and shiny buildings, lots more tax-free concessions for foreign businesses. Soon Sierra Leone will become known internationally as the Tax-free zone. Yes, President Ernest Koroma has been very busy indeed. However Julius Maada Bio does not share the Presidents priorities or agenda. What good are miles and miles of new road & building construction when folks have no electricity or running water? What is the point of slavishly encouraging foreign businesses with huge tax concessions when they employ so few of our brothers and sisters? What are our national priorities? Julius Maada Bio believes that the drive to electrify our nation is a paramount national objective. Julius Maada Bio believes that available clean drinking water is a paramount national objective. For Julius Maada Bio, the cheap popularity that comes with constructing lots of new shiny buildings and roads is less significant than an all consuming drive to provide electricity and clean drinking water for all Sierra Leoneans. In the end, it is all about priorities. President Ernest Koroma is a good man. He believes that the shiny new roads and buildings are our nations top priority. Hence all the energy and focus he has placed on these projects. For those who agree that the roads and shiny new buildings are our nation’s top priority, then De Pa di wok indeed. But for Julius Maada Bio, ending the curse of poor electricity and water supply is his, and our nation’s top priority. Whilst some, under the cover of free speech seek to gerrymander our constitution and create a perpetual Ernest Koroma presidency, Julius Maada Bio will continue to focus on the peoples priorities. De Pa di wok but we have no electricity or running tap water? Who exactly is he working for? With Julius Maada Bio, you will always know that he is working for you; all the people of Sierra Leone. By putting your priorities at the very top of the agenda. **He will work for you** God bless Sierra Leone.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:57:25 +0000

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