SIGNS ARE EVERYWHERE THAT WE ARE AT THE END OF DAYS! BUT YET MANY DO NOT BELIEVE, AND CARRY ON BUSINESS AS USUAL INSTEAD OF BEING CLOSE TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! KJV Revelation chapter 8 VS 8-9 And the SECOND ANGEL SOUNDED, and as it were a GREAT MOUNTAIN BURNING with FIRE was CAST INTO the SEA: and the THIRD PART of the SEA BECAME BLOOD; And the THIRD PART of the CREATURES which were IN THE SEA, and HAD LIFE, DIED; and the THIRD PART of the SHIPS were DESTROYED. (Note, A third part of the ships destroyed can easily relate to those who make their living off of the sea, most of the sea life dies, so does the business. Since 2011 when a big earthquake of 8.8 or 9.0 hit Japan causing a tsunami to hit killing thousands of people, last count at about 30,000, also causing around 3 to 6 nuclear reactors to fall into the Pacific ocean, putting radiation into the air, and waters we have been hearing, and seeing tons of sea life dying off around the world. The information is out there on the internet, youtube. Japan tsunami March 11, 2011! They say that the radiation has reached around the entire world in the air, and water!) St. Luke chapter 21 VS 25-28 And there shall be SIGNS in the SUN, and in the MOON, and in the STARS; and upon the EARTH DISTRESS of NATIONS, with PERPLEXITY; the SEA and the WAVES ROARING; Mens HEARTS FAILING THEM for FEAR, and for looking after those things which are COMING on the EARTH: for the POWERS of HEAVEN SHALL BE SHAKEN. (Note, Most are aware of the four blood moons that have been taking place in the heavens, along with many fireballs falling out of the sky, many solar flares, signs in the heavens!) And THEN shall THEY SEE the Son of man COMING IN A CLOUD with POWER and GREAT GLORY. And when THESE THINGS begin to COME to PASS, THEN LOOK UP, and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS; for YOUR REDEMTION DRAWS NEAR. St. Luke chapter 17 VS 28-30 Likewise also as it was in the DAYS of LOT; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot WENT OUT of Sodom it RAINED FIRE and BRIMSTONE from HEAVEN, and DESTROYED them all. Even thus shall it be in the DAY when the Son of man is revealed. St. Matthew chapter 24 VS 40-42 Then shall be TWO in the FIELD; the ONE SHALL BE TAKEN, and the OTHER LEFT. Two WOMEN shall be grinding at the mill; the ONE SHALL BE TAKEN, the OTHER LEFT. (Note, This is the Elect Church being CAUGHT UP TO GOD) VS 42 WATCH therefore: for YOU KNOW NOT what hour your LORD DOES COME. (Note, In other words, though many are warned that the church will soon be caught up to God, for the reason that the end of the world is near, and we see all these signs, and wonders coming to pass. Many will continue to go about there business, as noted above, from the words of our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ. In a twinkle of an eye the CHURCH will be PULLED out of the world, CAUGHT UP to our Blessed Lord God! This is why our Lord says to those that do not expect Him. He comes as a thief in the night, but to those of us, that are the children of Light, we are aware, and we are looking up, ready to go home! I pray that many others follow, for now is the time for His grace and mercy. After we are caught up out of this world, then comes Gods wrath upon the evil ones of the world, that did not love Gods commandments, and did not keep them. For to love God is to keep His commandments, and follow Jesus Christ in everything we do. This is not saying, we quit our jobs. This is saying, NOW is the time to be filling ourselves with the word of God, Jesus Christ, and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in everything we do. Be prayerful, do not be a part of any evil, which means do not do anything against God. We must forgive EVERONE, and pray for those that we have TRESPASSED AGAINST in our life time, would find it in them to FORGIVE US, by seeking our ALMIGHTY, all POWERFUL JESUS CHRIST. This way they, and us have the power of the Lord to FORGIVE one another! Unless we FORGIVE, WE WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN! St. Mark chapter 11 VS 26 But if you DO NOT FORGIVE, NEITHER will your FATHER which is in HEAVEN FORGIVE YOUR TRESPASSES. (Note, As we can see. It is VERY IMPORTANT to forgive everyone! Jesus Christ FORGAVE us when we were all, underserving. The servant is not greater than his MASTER which is our King of Glory Jesus Christ. We know right from wrong, truth from lies, Jesus Christ, from Satan, Heaven, from Hell. Love our enemies, and PRAY for them, bless them, that curse us. In doing this we show that we are of our Father God of LIGHT, and LOVE in HEAVEN! We do not accept there ways, but we do love, and forgive them. It does not mean we have to be around them, if they do not REPENT. Do not be unequally yoked, with none believers, it is in Gods word. This is the time of the FINAL REVIVAL! We must all come to the Lord with nothing wavering! Draw the masses in. Jesus Christ is moving us to draw His children to His Salvation, with His word, with the Holy Spirit.) II Corinthians chapter 6 VS 14-18 Be you NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED together with UNBELIEVERS: for what FELLOWSHIP has RIGHTEOUSNESS with UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? and what COMMUNION has LIGHT with DARKNESS? And what CONCORD (harmony) has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that BELIEVES with and INFIDEL? And what agreement has the TEMPLE of GOD with IDOLS? for YOU ARE the TEMPLE of the LIVING GOD; as GOD has said, I will DWELL in THEM, and WALK IN THEM; and I WILL BE THEIR GOD, and THEY shall be MY PEOPLE. Wherefore COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and BE YOU SEPARATE, saith the LORD, and TOUCH NOT the UNCLEAN THING; and I WILL RECIEVE YOU, And WILL BE A FATHER UNTO YOU; and YOU shall BE MY SONS and DAUGHTERS, saith the LORD ALMIGHTY. 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 VS 1-6 But of the TIMES and the SEASONS, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves KNOW PERFECTLY that the DAY of the LORD so comes as a THIEF in the NIGHT. For when they shall say, PEACE and SAFETY; then SUDDEN DISTRUCTION comes upon them, as TRAVAIL upon a woman with child; and THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE. But you, brethren, are NOT in DARKNESS, that, that DAY should OVERTAKE you as a THIEF. You are all the CHILDREN of LIGHT, and the CHILDREN of the DAY: we are NOT of the NIGHT, nor of DARKNESS. Therefore let us NOT SLEEP, as do OTHERS; but let us WATCH and be SOBER. Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:18:13 +0000

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