SIGNS THAT SHOWS YOU CANNOT LIVE HAPPILY AND PEACEFULY WITH HIM; (1)At the smallest mistake he hits you. (2)He is always right and you are always wrong. (3)He pretends he doesnnt have affair with you before his friends on in the public. (4)He has never talked of the future of both of you with you. (5)He is a heavy drunkard and smoker,and when hes drunk you become his bars drum. (6)He has never introduced you to any of the his familys member,relates or friends. (7)He never allow you acess his phone(here i mean like using his phone to play games or even make calls;i knwo he needs some privacy) (8)He examines your phone contacts always and deletes any male name; (that you even have to save you fathers name with sister ijeoma and your brothers name with aunty ify). (9)He dont allow your opinion in any matter. (10)He never fancies seeing you with any guy,but he keeps female friends and hangs out with them. Dear ladie this is the time that you need to make a review of what you actually wants in a relationship. Guys must not always play the boss,sometimes chances has to be given to the ladies.............. Ladies are the back bones of men........TRUEOR FALSE?????
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:11:42 +0000

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