SIKANDERNE PORAS SE BYMAHENDRA KAPOOR Until NCERT syllabus was introduced in J&K State, Social studies in tenth class had three books; one on the Indian History, the other on the English History and the third one on Geography. The Indian History was getting confused by the same names of different kings like Chander Gupta Maurya, Chander Gupta I, Chander Gupta II;Sikander with his English name Alexander. One would often get confused with one for the other and wonder whether it was due to scarcity of names in that period or only to confuse the student community. Invariably there used to be one question in the University examination (those days there was no Board) on Sikander. Sequence of questions on Sikander kay humlay; Sikander kay humlay kay faidhay; Sikander kay humlay kay nuqsanat would interchange alternately. (Invasion of Sikander; Gains of the invasion done by Sikander; losses due to the invasion done by Sikander). One student had mugged up the total chapter on Sikander. When back home, his parents were shocked to know that he had dropped the question on Alexander, little knowing that Alexander was the English name of Sikander. Same confusion was about the names of the English Kings.They were named as: William: I, II…..;Henry: I,II,III,IV,V,VI….George: I,II,III, ….V,VI…; Richard: I,II,III….;Edward I,II…..VIII; Elizabeth I,II; William I was also named as the Bastard Conqueror…. Most of us know only the devastating material and human losses done by the 1990 turmoil in the valley initiated by Farooq Abdullah with acquiescence by the Rajiv Gandhi Government at the Centre. Like that of the gains of the invasions of Sikander, 1990 turmoil too had a few gains. One of the gains of the turmoil is that all masks vanished and real faces came out. Let me not elaborate it as all know the reality. Close relations distanced themselves to escape and share responsibility. Those who hovered about the one who was milked until 1990 did not become only strangers for him all at once, but even called him names and hurled even abusive adjectives besides accused him of all bad that he had never committed. I wonder how he survived and became unlike Gaius Julius Caesar who succumbed when he saw Brutus his friend among the plotters. Better late than never, exposed faces, let the victim know the reality before it would be too late for him to establish again. Islam too got benefitted. 1988, during the month of Ramadan, I called on Mohammad Ashraf in his office. I believe it was first day of the auspicious month.Ashraf ordered for a cup of tea. I refused in view of the day of fast. He lighted a cigarette and brushed aside my suggestion and boasted to be a ‘liberal’ Muslim. Post 1990, I called on him again and coincidently it was again the auspicious month of Ramadan. He was altogether a changed person. He was on fast and offers Nimaz regularly. From socalled liberal, he became a pious Muslim. April 1990 Khurshid called on his friend Bansi Lal Kaw at Bagwati Nagar, Jammu to express his sympathy for his devastation. While changing his dress, coat, pantaloon and tie, Khurshid hurled all abuses and curses on Mujahids responsible for the mayhem. I said: “Khurshid Sahib, you are committing a great sin. While Jihadist are engaged with Jihad at the cost of their lives, you have come all the way from Srinagar to Jammu to abuse and curse them.” “They are not Jihadist, they are looters, murderers and rapists” said Khurshid. I said: “Who are Jihadist?” He said: “Jihadist are those who will fight against ‘Kefirs ’and punish Kafiirrs” I said: “What is the punishment for Kafir?” He said: “Kaffir ‘ka sur kulum kerna hai’ (Kafir is to be beheaded) I said: “Then what are you looking for? I am a Kafir in front of you. Why do you spare me?” He said:” You are not a kafir. You believe in Bagwan and you go to temple according to your faith.” I said: “You are wrong. I have respect for Koran and Prophet Mohammad. But I don’t believe that He is the last Prophet. I believe Allah,God, Khuda , Bagwan are different names of the Creator. You as a Muslim have to offer five times Nimaz, and keep fast during the month of Ramadan……” He said: “I reside very close to Dergah, Hazratbal and stillI don’t offer Nimaz. Am I not a Muslim? Am I a Kafir?” I said: “Better to ask some Mufti.” 14th March, 2014 while on morning walk, here at Dubai,I spotted a man with Kashmiri features. I asked him if he was a Kashmiri. He said: “Yes, I am Khurshid.” I said: “I believe you are friend of my friend Bansi Lal Kaw.” He said: “Yes, he is my bosom friend.” In the meantime we were joined by Dr. M Ahmad. I said: “Why did you not join Biscoe alumni on 7th March, 2014. He said: “I had no information.” I said that Dr. M Ahmad knew about it and if he did not inform him. Khurshidsaid that he and Dr. M Ahmad meet five times a day in the local mosque while offering Nimaz, but he did not inform him. Khurshid has grown a trimmed beard and regularly goes to local mosque to offer five times Nimaz. He is now a pious Muslim, valuable gift of militancy.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:01:28 +0000

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