SILLOTH-ON-SOLWAY TOWN COUNCIL Clerk: Wendy Jameson, MAAT 5 - TopicsExpress


SILLOTH-ON-SOLWAY TOWN COUNCIL Clerk: Wendy Jameson, MAAT 5 Burnswark Terrace, Solway Street, Silloth, Cumbria Tel: 016973 31128 Fax: 016973 31128 Mob: 0777 5686857 Email: [email protected] Web: 29 October 2013 Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend a meeting of Silloth Town Council which is to be held on Monday 4 November 2013 in the Community Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. I trust you will be able to attend. Yours faithfully W.E. Jameson Clerk to the Council Agenda 1. Apologies NB Cllrs. must provide a reason for not being able to attend a meeting which is then recorded in the minutes. 2. Declarations of Interest Members are invited at this stage to declare any personal interests they have relating to any item on the Agenda and having done so, to consider whether they also have a prejudicial interest in that item. NB Advice on this can be sought from the Town Clerk. Members are requested to seek advice, wherever possible, before the meeting starts. 3. Exclusion of Press & Public To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the Meeting during consideration of any item of business on the Agenda. 4. Chairman’s Announcements To receive announcements by the Chairman 5. Minutes To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 7 October 2013 & 21 October 2013, as a true record. 6. Police Report To receive a report from the Police on incidents of crime since the last meeting. 7. Adjournment of Meeting The Chairman will adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or raise matters of interest. 8. Correspondence To note items of correspondence received since the last meeting and determine any action needed in response to items marked “ Action”. For Circulation a) Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2013. For Information b) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Spot the Grot – Poster with QR code which when scanned with a smart phone assists with the reporting of environmental issues. c) Neighbourhood Forum – North East Allerdale forum - Next meeting is on 7 November at St Cuthberts, The Old Convent, Burnfoot, Wigton 7-9pm. d) Solway Wetlands Centre – Invitation to a familiarisation afternoon at Solway Wetlands Centre, Bowness on Solway from 1-3pm on 6 November. e) Cumbria CVS – Speed Volunteer Recruitment Event on Tuesday 12 November 5.30-7pm at St Michaels Church, Falcon Place, Workington. f) Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Information about the Cumbria Independent Custody Visiting Scheme – West Cumbria ICV Panel. Closing date for applications 29 November 2013. g) Cumbria County Council – Emergency Temporary Road Closure B5300 Blitterlees, nr Silloth. Notice will be in force for up to 21 days from 21 October, although anticipated that it will only be required for 5 days. h) Email from Mr Colin Baty attaching a copy of his Insurance policy to enable him to practise football coaching on the small patch of land between the rugby pitch and the industrial estate. Coaching will take place on Thursday’s at 6.30pm and he does not require the use of the football changing rooms. i) Allerdale Borough Council – Allerdale Local Plan (Part one) submission to the Secretary of State for Public examination took place on 23 October 2013. Documentation can be seen at j) Cumbria County Council – Emergency Temporary Road Closure C2015 Wolsty, nr Silloth. Notice will be in force for up to 21 days from 23 October, although anticipated that it will only be required for 2 days. k) CALC – Annual General Meeting 2013 on Saturday 9 November in Pennine Room at Rheged, Penrith at 10.30am. Notice of meeting, Agenda, Minutes and Annual Report 2013. l) Cumbria in Bloom – Annual General Meeting on Monday 18 November 2013 at Newton Rigg College, Penrith. Agenda, Minutes and Management Committee nomination form. m) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Cumbria County Council budget consultation. Email from Joe Broomfield drawing attention to the above consultation which could have a significant impact on town centres within Allerdale. Proposition 29 in particular outlines proposed on-street parking charges. However Silloth is not included in the list of places where the council will focus their local site investigations. For Action n) Email from Debbie McGrath, Programme Manager AMT Towns Alive about the benefits of developing a Corporate or Business Plan for the Council which can bring a wealth of benefits. o) Email from Philip Jones asking the Council for help by objecting to the planning application for 85m wind turbine on land near Roerigg Tarn, Lowick Common, nr Lowick Green (Ref SL/2013/0906). p) Allerdale Borough Council – Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2013 – Consultation Friday 11 October to Friday 15 November 2013. q) CALC – re: MRWS: Consultation on the site selection process for a Geological Disposal Facility CALC’s Executive Committee considered the issues and agreed a draft consultation response. A copy of the full paper is attached with the proposed consultation paper response set out in the appendix. r) Cumbria County Council – Budget consultation. Comments and feedback by 20 January 2013. 9. Planning Applications The Town Council have considered the following:- Ref No: 2/2013/0703 Proposal: Demolition of garage and erection of single storey extension Location: 1 Burnswark Terrace, Solway Street, Silloth Applicant: Mr Warick, Cavalcade Developments Ref No: 2/2013/0742 Proposal: The installation of new aluminium shopfronts, the redecoration of the existing door frames and roller shutters, the infilling of an existing delivery access and the installation of a new delivery door Location: Co-operative Retail Services Ltd, Caldew Street, Silloth Applicant: The Co-operative Group Ref No: 2/2013/0743 Proposal: Remove three existing AC condenser units and a plant condenser unit from the rear wall and install new timber compound with new refrigeration plant with it. The existing fire door on side elevation will be redecorated Location: Co-operative Retail Services Ltd, Caldew Street, Silloth Applicant: The Co-operative Group Ref No: 2/2013/0745 Applicant: Mr Colin Winter Proposal: Installation of two 11 kw gaia wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 24.5m Location: West house Farm, Pelutho, Silloth 10. Committee Reports Parks Committee – 29 October 2013. 11. Licences 12. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies a) Primary School b) Joint Advisory Body c) Silloth Tourism Action Group d) Sea Dyke Charity e) Longcake Education Trust f) Solway Community Technology College g) Sports Hall h) The Space - Silloth Community Hall 13. Allerdale & County Council Reports To receive reports from Allerdale and County Councillors. 14. Park Manager’s Report To receive a report from the Parks Manager in relation to grounds maintenance 15. Town Clerk’s Report To receive a report from the Town Clerk in relation to matters currently being dealt with and notify the Council of any important dates of interest. 16. Requests for Financial Assistance 17. Payment of Accounts To authorise the payment of Accounts listed in the attached schedule. 18. Application for an event 19. Silloth Green – Update 20. Fake Festivals – Update 21. Consultation - Review of the Siting Process for a Geological Disposal Facility - September 2013. To review the consultation document and agree a response to the consultation questions which are to be submitted by 5 December 2013. 22. Amounts owing to the Town Council
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 19:49:04 +0000

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