SIMPLE MATH We live in this world for about 60/70 years, right? - TopicsExpress


SIMPLE MATH We live in this world for about 60/70 years, right? Let’s say someone goes on to live an extraordinary life of 100 years, that’s about the maximum, isn’t it? And how long is the life after death? Infinite… How long is infinite, well, it’s INFINITE! Now let’s do some simple mathematics and do a comparison of importance between the two by representing them as ratios of each other: [Dunya (100 years)]/[Akhira (∞)] Anyone who knows basic math would know that from the equation above the ratio of Dunya compared to Akhira comes out to be zero. That’s how little (little is being generous really, because it’s actually a big round ZERO) importance this life has; and YET we occupy ourselves and all of our time and energies in trying to run after this Dunya. This is literally not even rocket science; it’s as simple as 2+2 = 4. Try to learn to prioritize; it’s not saying that we leave this world altogether and go live in the jungle somewhere, just PRI-O-RI-TIZE. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessing be on him) was really generous because he didn’t give this Dunya a big round zero but he did say: “IF THE WORLD TO ALLAH WERE EQUAL TO A MOSQUITO’S WING, THEN HE WOULD ALLOW THE DISBELIEVER TO HAVE A SIP OF WATER FROM IT” [Tirmidhi] So, although he did not say it is EQUAL zero but I would surmise that a SINGLE wing of a mosquito is quiet close. And notice how he said “A” wing, not even wingS; so this poor little mosquito can’t even fly. That’s how pathetically worthless this world is. We live in it but we don’t live FOR it. Everything that we do: from earning our livelihood to running our families can be put to use for the Akhira; this is like the best thing about being a Muslim: even sleeping can be a beneficial deed if done in line with the Sunnah, ma’sha’Allah. I pray to Allah that we can live our lives for His sake alone and have our eyes set on the Eternal Life rather than on this temporary life, Aameen. p.s. Ramadan is right round the corner, this is our time to spend more time on the real thing rather than on fake bling and let’s also make it a habit in’sha’Allah for our lives post-Ramadan, Aameen.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 19:03:42 +0000

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