SIMPLE PERMACULTURE LITERATURE FOR THE BEGINNER July 9 2013 BOOK: ‘The Ultimate Guide to Permaculture: Green Homes, Edible Communities, No-Till and Natural Farming Methods, Microclimates, Raising Livestock’, by Nicole Faires, ISBN: 978-1-61608-644-2 Categorical Parts: 1. What is permaculture 2. Energy (see synergy) 3. Water 4. Home and Shelter 5. Gardens 6. Cooking and Perserving 7. The zones (see geology & climatology) 8. Community (see geography) 9. Plants (see further references 10. SEE: Reference in depth education, ‘Merritt College Ecology Center’, WebPage: Direct quote and paraphrase Nicole Faires book, ‘The Ultimate Guide to Permaculture: Green Homes, Edible Communities, No-Till and Natural Farming Methods, Microclimates, Raising Livestock’, ‘First, a disclaimer: Does the label ‘Ultimate Guide’ means that this book will contain all of the knowledge about permaculture that exists or could exist in the world? Will it answer every question that could ever be asked? No. of course not it was written by one person in less than one lifetime and cannot possibly contain everything. This book contains all of the core fundamentals of permacultural practices. It whittles down all the information and theory and experience into a tool that you can use in a practical way. Ultimate, adjective, basic or fundamental: the ultimate constituents of anything that exists are atoms. Permaculture is a vast field. There are countless courses available to help you increase your knowledge – from introductory weekend classes to full certificate and diploma programs at respected institutions. If you are interested in pursuing permaculture as a career, or if you somply want to divce head first into a bottomless lake of sustainability knowledge, take a course. There you will learn all of the philosophy and theory behind the strategies and skills outlined here in this book. This book, however, was written for everyone else (everyone else meaning the general amateur public, but this is a good starter reader on permaculture and its meaning and practices for those people who want to understand the values of sustainable systems environmental ecology, on the basis of their individual responsibility as a member of their immediate community). It is for those who want to begin applying permaculture principles in their own life right away (SEE: horticulture (gardening), WebPage: It is for those who want to begin applying permaculture principles in their own immediate life right away. It is for those who want to become self-reliant, self-sufficient, sustainable, and possibly even develop a community of like-minded people. IVAN EDGAR PRATT, Email: prattbuddhahood@gmail FACE BOOK: facebook/Ivanedgar.pratt?=tn_tnmn July 9, 2013 Truthful Journalistic Reports: rt/usa, and Sustainable Systems Environmental Ecology, WebPage: Resources For The Future, Financial Reports and Politics, WebPage: bloomberg Wikileaks, Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism, Be Creative: createtv GARDEN: Horticulture: FitnessSF Gym: WebPage: soma.fitnesssf NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, IVANS CONSIDERED PERSPECTIVES July 8 2013 Sustainable Systems Environmental Ecology: IBID: Syllabus, noun, the subjects covered in a course of study or teaching. IBID: Scenario, noun, a suggested sequence of events. IBID: Portfolio, noun, a set of pieces of creative work intended to demonstrate a persons ability (potential and obvious abilities, as a mix of both perspectives). IBID: Michael Ruppert, IBID: Silviculture Ecology (Forest Ecology), IBID: Nursery Management, (sudden ‘Oak Death’), pathogen ‘Phytophthora ramorum’, IBID: Horticulture,
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 03:34:49 +0000

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