SIN WILL ALWAYS MAKES US A DEVOUT OF DESTRUCTION JOSHUA 7 Israel sinned and fell before Ai one of the smallest enemies. The good news was that God had not failed the nation. The bad news was that this defeat was due to the sin of Israel. Joshua doesnt need to fear that the problem is with God - it is almost comforting to find that the problem is with us!Joshua went and sought God. God told Joshua to get up,because he doesnt need to beg God to change His heart towards Israel.So long as their sins had not been dealt with. Joshua must change Israel’s heart before God. God’s provision is for us to live a life of unbroken victory. But He will not make defeat impossible, taking away our ability to choose good or evil. He always makes it possible for us not to sin; here, Israel sinned, when they didnt need to. God said Israel had sinned, not only one man. It is staggering to think that the whole nation was found guilty, and thirty-six men were dead, all for the sin of one man and his family. Paul speaks in similar terms concerning sin in the church; regarding sin among the Corinthian church, he says Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? (1 Corinthians 5:6) A small amount of sin accepted and tolerated among believers can infect the whole group. In this sense, the acceptance and toleration of the sin is worse than the sin itself, so it must be dealt with strictly. For they have even taken some of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived: We should understand exactly what the sin was. Someone in Israel took things that were devoted to God, devoted either by their giving to His tabernacle, or by their complete destruction. One man stole from God, in the same way we steal from Him when we do not give Him what he directs us to give. Whenever we take or covert things ,glory,money,belonging to God we bring the wrath of god upon us.Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies: Israel could not fight in God’s power and presence unless they walked in obedience to God. Israel was under a covenant with God that promised blessing on their obedience, and also promised curses upon their disobedience.NO ONE CAN FIGHT SATAN IN HIS POWERS( IN SIN) We are not under that kind of covenant. Our position with God is made by the work of Jesus on our behalf, not our own works. Yet if we want God’s power and presence in our own battles, we must walk in fellowship with Him, and this fellowship is hindered by our own sin and rebellion.To believe in Jesus is not a mere confession,rather to accept,acknowledge and live for all that He is. Our position before God is secure in Jesus; but our fellowship with Him is hindered by our own sin (1 John 1:6). This fellowship with God is our wellspring of power to live in the Spirit. They (ISRAELITE) became doomed to destruction: It is sobering to realize that a body in sin has no power before their enemies. It is wonderful to realize that once the sin has been dealt with, God’s power can again flow in our Christian life. You cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you: When God deals with a particular area of sin, and when resist His work, His mercy makes us to fail in battle. We are most dangerous when we think we are “winning” battles with our own self-reliance.Sin will kill you you in his strength. Achan and all his family was burned to bring peace on the land.Be aware of this God will send every sinner to hell,because sin Challenges the authority of God.Hell want snatch you from the hands of God and burn you.Please dont give in
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:11:00 +0000

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