SINGAPORES DEAD END EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. Under the PAP, Singapore students lacks creativity, the innovation spirit and becoming moronic savants in following the rules laid out by the PAP and dished out by the Ministry of Education. Unlike Singapore, Hong Kong allows its students to organise strikes on a large scale. ALL the mass protests and strikes in Hong Kong are peaceful and orderly, unlike Singapore where a gathering of a small number of people is labelled by the PAP as a mob ready to cause trouble. The student strike will mark the turning point of the democratic movement, Alex Chow, secretary general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, told about 13,000 students from 24 schools rallying at the Chinese University of Hong Kongs suburban campus. We will not have illusions in the government anymore, but well have faith in ourselves. We are willing to pay the price for democracy. Student organizers are dismayed over Beijings decision in August to rule out open nominations for candidates under proposed guidelines for the first-ever elections for Hong Kongs top leader, promised for 2017. Discontent over democratic reform is especially acute among Hong Kongs young people, who worry about their prospects amid widening inequality they blame on billionaire tycoons whose companies control vast parts of the economy and who have Beijings ear.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:40:29 +0000

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