SINGHO PANTHIC BANO - HOW DO WE FINISH DIVISIONS & BECOME PANTHIC? WHAT DOES SO-CALLED INDIAN INDEPENDENCE MEAN FOR SIKHS? BABA RANJIT SINGH KHALSA DHADRIANWALE EXPLAINS THE TRUTH. During a Gurmat Diwaan on 17th August 2014, Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale, the shining example of a fearless Panthic voice in modern times, has given a rousing speech within the thousands of people present about how Sikhs of the Khalsa Panth must become truly “Panthic” in the literal form. A short clip of the Diwaan can be seen at the following link: https://youtube/watch?v=ACf9TvBIuUQ They said that Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a free, independent and fearless voice for the entire world, and it is from that knowledge where we can learn to become Panthic. Recently, on 15th August, India celebrated its annual Independence Day holiday. But what has this “independence” achieved for the Sikh nation who fought so hard to acquire it? Is our Dastaar free in India? Is our Anand Kaaraj independent in Punjab? Is our death certificate independent for Sikhs? Is our Kirpan independent? Is Punjabi independent in Punjab? Where are the 18,000 acres of land belonging to Sri Nankana Sahib before partition after Indian independence? So-called independence has taken this away from the Khalsa Panth – will the Sikhs ever get it back? A writer has wisely stated that yes, Independence Day may indeed be a public holiday and day off from work, but it is nothing about freedom, at least for the Sikhs. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa said that, “First we, the Sikhs, were divided with the caste system. We were then divided by politics. Then we went to the Gurdwara for oneness and over there we were divided by the Samprada system. Where there was supposed to be unity, we were fighting over Maryada.” They advised that we must step above all of this. By way of example, they explained how we go through primary education, high school, college etc, but once we reach university, there are no questions asked of where we came from, from which nursery school, whether we studied in a state school, or in a private school. At the university stage, we become one. They said in the same way, we must respect all and no matter from where in the Panth we originated, we must rise, free ourselves from being bound by groups and then when we too become one, on that day we become PANTHIC. Whoever is Panthic, he is above all groups, castes, Samprada and anything that may differentiate each of us from being simply Sikhs.” Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa said that by this period in time, they too could have initiated a separate group within the Panth with a huge following, but the Parchaarak categorically confirmed they have no intention whatsoever to do this now or at any time in the future. “A Sikh should have an independent mind. Whosoever should think independently, they are Panthic. We are a naïve nation and our history proves we have never betrayed anyone, but it is often we who have been betrayed by others. We do not betray and we never will, but let us now change so that we ourselves as a nation do not get betrayed either. We must become Gurmukh and then let us become Panthic.” __________________________ THE PARMESHAR DWAR GURMAT PARCHAR MISSION LIKE: https://facebook/pages/Official-Sant-Baba-Ranjit-Singh-Ji-Dhadrianwale/206493499401536?ref=hl For further information and updates: FACEBOOK: [Official] Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale TWITTER: @S_Dhadrianwale YOU TUBE: NirvairKhalsaDal WEBSITE: BabaRanjitSinghJi (UC) EMAIL: info@BabaRanjitSinghJi
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:04:13 +0000

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