SINGLE LADIES SEARCHING FOR LUO MEN PLEASE TAKE NOTE. HIS LUO NAME DETERMINES ALOT ABOUT HIM AND YOUR FUTURE WITH HIM. (Read and share, help other ladies) 1. OKOTH: born in the rainy season, when farms are ready for plantation. Is a blessing in your life, but sometimes he is unpredictable cannot give you freedom, can be a pain in your neck. Success follows him pants down. Is lucky, urge him to be participating in promotions like jaza ushinde. 2. OKEYO: born during harvest time. He is very generous but is a polygamist. Trust me darling, he has a woman with a child/children somewhere. 3. OWINO: born around the ripening of crops season just before harvest time. He is very optimistic. He makes a great psychiatrist and psychologist. Great company but is a drunkard. 4. OKETCH: born during stinted/poor harvest. Is humble, quiet and street smart. A real hustler. Always finds a way out. Is creative. 5. OYIENG: born during good harvest. Is very stingy. Makes a great manager/employer. Knows people who know people. 6. OLWENY: born in times of war. Makes a great leader but is very nagging. Dont dare him, hell do it. 7 . JARUNDA: Born outside Kenya in the ancestral land of the Luopeans - Europe, Australia, Canada, USA. They are well educated, successful, ambitious and fun to be with. They are the Alhandros of Africa, very romantic and love spending .....will treat a Lady like a queen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:56:21 +0000

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