#SINGLES CORNER# CARRY THE LOVE ATMOSPHERE I AM GONNA TELL YOU TWO SHORT STORIES. It was a life experience,relate to it and learn from it. STORY 1 Hello sweetheart, I really miss you, I would love to see you today...but am gonna be busy....please create time...seeing you means a lot....and am always glad to see you.... Ok dear...same here...will work it out...as soon as you are ready let me know...I will met you up.... Cant wait to see you... STORY2 Hello, can we see today...hmm, yes...but I may be busy...its ok...you can continue work....if you like...its ok by me..but if you want to still come..whenever you are ready tell me.... Now which story do you love? Which describes you? The first story shows affection, politeness, care and Love. The second one shows rude, pride, and I dont care. Sometimes people hide the Love in them...cause they feel when they do...people may take it for granted. I tell people never allow someone remove the loving nature from you. If someone doesnt call, call, if someone text u, text, if someone shows affection to you, DoUBLE it. There is no fear in Love...perfect love casts out fear... I tell people, you may take my niceness for granted, love for weakness, abuse it...but it doesnt stop me from being full of Love to you and even others... Why? Love is a gift and yet a seed...the same way you give it and show it...it comes to you... When I say I love you, I miss you...I care about you...honey...sweetheart...glad to talk to you...thinking of you...it doesnt bring less of me....it increases the love in my heart... I truly appreciate every amazing person God brings my way... You should, people are a package of gifts, when you met amazing friends,hold them in high esteem, keep them. But dont force yourself on anyone. I didnt say dont sow seeds of Love, do all you can to show people you truly care about them, with your words and actions. Stop looking for what people can give you or how much Love they can show, You be the DISPENSER. Now declare am a dispenser and channel of Love, dont just say it, ACT IT. Start from a smile, warm hugs, smiles....to everyone....you just wont believe the rippleeffect..e back and share the Testimony. Remember ATTITUDES, mannerism, attract or repel people to or away from you. So whether, in relationships among friends, family, lovedones, business associates carry the LOVE atmosphere. I Loove you.....
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:05:58 +0000

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