SINGLES CORNER This question was sent to me by a sister though - TopicsExpress


SINGLES CORNER This question was sent to me by a sister though I already told her what to do by the Holy Ghost I desire earnestly to be of help to many more going through that kind of challenge. READ CAREFULLY Am Ritah I always. follow your posts And Am always blessed And up lifted So one year back I had an issue every relationship I would try. to be In would fail it was frustrating. So In may after church we went to have lunch as church the church leaders And then we all sat man And woman So I sat with this brother And I didnt know him much buh I was sharing with him how God was at work In my life So for some reason he was So. moved. And that was we both had enjoyed the evening So we parted And as I was heading home the spirit of God moved me to go to the market to buy some clothes as I was In the market I bumped. into him hahaha it was amusing later that year we didnt. talk because he lives far. So I forgot about all that then this year I was Christian struggling with my relationship life I hit rock bottom And God changed my life I started praying And leaving according to the word I left all the men that were In my life because I knew those relationships where not of God And Am happy now but there months back God reminded me of that lunch I had with that brother And told me thats your husband. I was shocked but started believing And praying for him And us but I was a bit patient but I later realized at times Is end him text messages he never replies if he does Its So short And formal u get me So Am starting to think maybe it wasnt God what should I do And Am the woman isnt the man supposed to be doing all this praying I dont even know if he loves me Or thinks of. me if he Did he would call but he doesnt he even put another womans picture please advise me thanks ANSWERS FOR KINGS AND QUEENS. 1.YOU dont TRY TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP:YOU mustnt BE IN ONE. You must practice how to be dependent on yourself. Learn to be happy by yourself. There is a difference between being alone and being LONELY. Loneliness is an emotional sickness that cant be cured by attaching yourself to another but by attaching yourself to yourself You learn to find interestin you, find value in you. The best way to find fulfillment is in Gods word. There you find yourself in service and believe me you will find wholeness. To be alone it means not to have company at a particular time and one can be alone for different reasons and when you are alone you can downright enjoy that moment.Its called singleness not LONELINESS.A lonely person doesnt need marriage. He or she need WORD THERAPY. You are complete in Christ. The fullness of the God-head dwells bodily in you.Come on! You got the Holy Ghost so check Loneliness outta the door! 2.Dont GET DISTRACTED: When you become too concerned about who you will marry. You become a lonely single POLICE looking for who to handcuff and take to a cell called a relationship with you and when you dont find one you become frustrated. You are thinking, is it this brother, or that tall sister. This makes you lose focus and blurrs your vision.God has a master plan for your life. He knows you want to get married but hey listen. When ADAM met Eve he had a job! He was busy with the work God gave him! Genesis 2 15 And the LORD God took the man,and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Did you see that? Now! Adam didnt ask for EVE Genesis 2 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Eve was a gift to ADAM! When Adam was fulfilling his call Eve was s gift given to him, like atrophy an award. Can you see that? When you seek first the kingdom of God everything is added unto you and that includes a spouse!It shouldnt be your prayer point. 3.TIMING: some persons miss the right timing for everything. Now every one is on his own pace in destiny. You dont judge your success with that of another man. Miss So and so got married doesnt mean cause you are not there is a problem. Timing is not determined by the fact that you now have a degree or have a million. Money doesnt give you WISDOM! Degrees dont deliver Knowledge on how to be in charge of life it only opens some opportunities for you. I discovered something in Genesis 1 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Look at that! Before Genesis 2 God had a plan for Eve She was already created BUT there was a timing for her to emerge! Hahahaha! Glory to God! When you know Gods vision for your life and you fulfill it you become equipped daily to become an ASSET not a LIABILITY! You Learn to wait not crying, nagging, doing nothing but fulfilling your number one call. Keeping Gods vision in your life, family, community and church. Dressing up Gods house by your service to him. Whole heatedly serving him with passion knowing he paid such a high price for you! WHEN YOU LOVE the LORD JESUS Liquidly...with an ever flowing wont be seeking who to love you that love will produce miracles and fountains of love around just cant catch yourself being Lonely! 4.WHAT YOU SAY IS WHAT YOU GET: It matters what you speak into your life. When you speak sadness, loneliness into it, thats what you get. I tell people I dont look for Love. Ask those around me. I have an avalanche of it around me. I am an ocean dispenser of love. So I got loads of it around me, sometimes I wonder if I am the only one in the whole world with so many people genuinely loving me and wanting to be apart of my life. Joy is a choice. Love is not a feeling! Its a commandment and also a choice backed with knowledge and wisdom. Always desire to love people genuinely. Add meaning to others lives. No matter how small. In goes along way. Everyday you decree. My home is full of joy, I met the right person. My kids are taught of the Lord, my husband or wife is full of wisdom and virtue doing wonders for the Lord! Yes! Thats much better than the nagging! You continue like this but first exercise yourself in righteousness. No matter what you see, loom in the mirror, square Up and say I am royalty! Excellent and glorious. I radiate Gods beauty, glory and grace. I am the chosen one! Glory to God I am beautiful! I am full of love, joy and the peace of the Lord that surpasses all understanding garrisons my heart! I am wonder extending the gospel with passion. Iam aperson of influence and affluence for the kingdom financing and advancing the gospel of our Lord Jesus. I am a WITNESS,the word works! I got loads of testimonies on it! FOCUS! FOCUS on JeSUS in SERVICE with faithfulness and PASSIONATELY,he will take care of the rest and that includes a HUSBAND or aWIFE.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:25:11 +0000

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