SINS AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 12:22-37 INTRODUCATION: The Holy Spirit is a person that can be sinned against. Let us beware lest we sin against Him either consciously or unconsciously because the HolySpirit is Fire (Heb. 12:29). And anyone who toys with fire is sure to get burnt. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE BLASPHEMED AGAINST Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is one sin for which there is no forgiveness (Matt. 12:31-32). It is called the unpardonable sin, the most lawful sin that can be committed on earth. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is ascribing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. Beware of belittling the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a very serious matter! THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE INSULTED Now it is the Holy Spirit that presents the atoning work of Christ to the sinner. If the Sinner refuses to believe or accept it, he is insulting the Holy Spirit calling Him a liar (Heb.10:29). In the rejection of the atoning work of Christ, the sinner is saying to the Holy Spirit that the whole work of Christ is either a lie or deception. It is counting the death of Christ as a common thing and His precious blood shed as of no value. This is a serious sin that can only lead to hell unless the sinner changes his mind. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE VEXED Sometimes the Holy Spirit reveals some weaknesses within us but instead of being thankful for the discovery and making the necessary correction, we rebel and our proud heart refuses to make the necessary confession (Isa. 63:9-10). The root of vexation is rebellion. After repeated warnings, multiplied blessings plus abundant light and knowledge, to persist in evil, to still ignore Him surely is Vexing the Holy Ghost. Let us listen, yield and obey but never vex the precious Holy Spirit. Let us cease our stubbornness of will and accept the blessing that He wants to give. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE RESISTED Often the Spirit quickens the conscience to do right but when we deliberately resist His pleading and leading we are actually manifesting unbelief. And it is unbelief that leads to resistance and consequently backsliding (Heb. 3:19). Sometimes the Spirit quickens us to speak to a soul, to drop a sin, to become a Missionary, to go to Bible School, to live a separated life, to give to the poor, but instead of obedience, we resist His guidance (Acts 7:51). Let us heed the warning in (Gen. 6:3), because if we resist the Spirit too long God may turn us over to a reprobate mind (Rom. 1:24). THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE TEMPTED Ananias and Saapphira in seeking to deceive their Brethren actually tempted and lied to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:9). Now rather than condemn others, let us examine ourselves. Any man becomes guilty of tempting the Holy Spirit when he pretends to his brethren that he is wholly devoted to God when he is actually indulging in secret sin or withholding from God e.g. areas of tithing and offering. Every lie to man is a lie to the Holy Ghost! THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE QUENCHED To quench means to stifle, put out, silence. (1 Thess. 5:19-20) is a solemn warning. When the spirit speaks to us through the Word or Conscience, we must obey, irrespective of the cost. If we allow the fire to be smothered in our lives, then only the ashes remain. Let us be careful in criticizing the manifestation of the Spirit in the testimony of some believers or the sermon of some preachers lest we be guilty of quenching the Spirit. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN BE GRIEVED The Spirit (Holy) trusts us to resist sin and obey the Lord. If we fail He is made sad (Eph. 4:30). Very often the Spirit is also grieved by light and unprofitable conversation of believers (Eph. 4:29, 31). Let us watch the door of our lips! CONCLUSION Which one (Or are there more that one) of the above sins is still in your life? Hell is not pleasant place, brother, please pray now! QUESTIONS 1. What are the seven sins against the Holy Ghost? 2. What is the unpardonable sin? 3. What is the basic cause of resisting the Holy Spirit? FURTHER READINGS: The following passages will tell you more: Matt.12:20, 11 King.5:25-27, Mk. 3:22-30, 1 Jn. 5:8, Ps. 51:10.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 20:53:27 +0000

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