**SISTER MARY** (episode 5) ........ “I know you are just - TopicsExpress


**SISTER MARY** (episode 5) ........ “I know you are just not yourself. Whatever is it that is worrying you, i pray you get over it soon” Ella said to me very early the next day as she prepared to leave. I forced out a smile, saying nothing. I truly never got myself all through the rest of the previous day. The match we eventually had was so dull and far from sweet. I couldn’t help but imagine what was going through her mind that moment. I truly left her unsatisfied and disappointed. Later in the day, I braced up myself and Called Mary, asking her to show up at my house by 7pm. She accepted without dragging issues with me which was very mind settling. However it was a long wait for me as i nervously waited for the clock to struck 7pm. My mind was uneasy, my lips prayed ceaselessly while my heart pounded very fast. I had to make my past with the silly girl go away no matter the price. She finally showed up at my apartment at exactly 7:32pm, looking well composed and calm. She flashed a brief smile at me, greeted and settled quietly at a couch opposite where i sat. “you know the reason i called. Are you pregnant for real?” i asked without wasting time. She breathed deeply, fetched a piece of paper from her hand-bag and gave to me. I sweated as i went through it. It was a pregnancy test result. Positive it said, duly signed and stamped. “so what do we do?. You very well know i don’t need this baby nor ready to start a family?” i asked coldly. She shrugged and drew back. “i don’t know. That’s your decision to make, as for me, i’m not tampering with this pregnancy. It’s against my faith, moreover a child is a gift from God” she said slowly, mincing no words and putting me in a very tight corner. She really looked unconcerned and serious. I was left with no choice than to change my tactics. “okay how much do you want?” i asked with a business tone Her eyes instantly burned as my question hit her like a bullet. “what?, what do you mean?” she asked with a quick stammer. I smiled and breathed deeply. “you understand me my dear. How much do you need to get rid of that thing and let me be with my life” i said coldly. She jumped up with anger, disgust and hatred, shaking her head with disbelief as she headed to the door. “gosh i’m so disgusted at you. How dare you utter such foul words.I see the devil has possessed your soul. Your heart is now dark and burning like hell. This isn’t the brother ken i know” she cried. I was so stunned and touched over her words, but the problem at hand was such that gave no room for emotions. I had to conceal my feelings and shut my heart. “Mary i’m really serious. I have the money to settle you handsomely” i added as i stood up. She hissed, gave me one last look before leaving without another word. I bit my lips and locked my door. I couldn’t believe all that was happening were real. I was so desperate and anxious. The last thing i wanted was having children scattered over the country in my name or having a child with a woman i was far from loving. The next day was a public holiday. I spent the day at home thinking and polishing my plans which were far from perfect. Ella showed up by 12pm, helping me to prepare a delicious rice, stew and soup. Her company was what i needed that moment to calm my mind and the tension in me. But her curiousity almost got on my nerves. She was very sure that i was keeping something away from her and kept demanding to know what it was. However i got the shock of my life by 3pm when Mary’s pastor showed up at my apartment. “bro ken there is a serious issue at hand” he said as i opened the door for him..... Trouble don land for Kens head! Episode 6 is next are you enjoying the story??
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:58:39 +0000

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