**SISTER MARY** (episode 6) ...“wow what a surprise. So - TopicsExpress


**SISTER MARY** (episode 6) ...“wow what a surprise. So pleased to see you pastor” i nervously murmured with pretence as i ushered the man of God into my sitting room. He smiled as he settled down quietly, his eyes all over me. Ella was in my bedroom arranging my stuffs. The last thing i wanted was her seeing the pastor nor listening to our conversation. It really would mess things up because i already knew the reason the pastor was in my house. “would you care for a little drink?” i asked, desperately trying to appear composed. He shook his head, smiling in a relaxed manner. “don’t bother yourself ken. I actually was passing by the neighbourhood, before i remembered you live here, so i decided to stop by. However there are somethings i also intend asking you” he said calmly, while i nervously threw a glance towards my bedroom door, staring at Ella as she innocently showed up smiling like a new wife. “good evening sir” she greeted the pastor, who for the first time looked shocked and surprised. I had to do a quick introduction. “meet my good friend and a colleague sir. Her name is Ella”, “Ella meet my pastor. A wonderful father and Man of God” i introduced quietly. The pastor was too stunned to say anything. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind that moment. Ella disappeared into the kitchen a minute later, while i nervously faced the pastor. “so why did you stop attending church programmes and what’s actually going on between you and sister Mary?” he asked curiously. I quickly stood up, forcing out a smile. “i’m going through a whole lot of crises right now sir. Please i will be coming to see you tomorrow afternoon. We can’t talk here” i said seriously. He breathed deeply stood up and shrugged. “make it thursday then. I won’t be available tomorrow” he said as he offered his hand for a handshake. “cool” i smiled as we shook hands. Thankfully Ella didn’t listen to the short discussion i had with the pastor. After taking her home hours later, i rushed over to Jboy’s apartment and poured out the day’s events to him. “my man the worst is that i have tried my best to make Mary remove the unwanted blood, but she has adamantly refused, citing some religous bullshit reasons” i concluded unhapply. “mehn. Hmmm. We have to grab the bull’s horn this time” he said seriously, biting his lips while i nodded anxiously. “make up with her, act as if all is well. After probably a week, a small sleeping pill and a hot injection will do. with the latest happenings, taking such a daring step is now inevitable” he suggested. Kai Jboy Is a Guru oo!! I drew back with fear, swallowing hard, but as his suggestion settled in my head, i relaxed and smiled. His suggestion made perfect sense. “it’s risky but i have to do it. I have no choice” i agreed. “but how do we go about the hot injection? I like the plan but just asking” i murmured. Jboy laughed. “it’s just simple. After you must have drugged her. I’ll come over with a chemist friend who will do the injection. Very simple” he explained. I breathed deeply and stood up, “thanks man, i have to get going” i said, shaking hands with him. As i laid on my bed later in the night, i thought about the plan and the consequencies. Surely it was a very dangerous plan, something capable of ruining my reputation and career, but my heart was strong. I was very determined to carry it out to the last. My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone which began ringing. I smiled as i grabbed it. As usual Ella was calling just to say goodnight to me. Such a wonderful lady she was. “Had i met her earlier, perhaps i wouldn’t have been in this mess” i reasoned as i answered her phone call. After a very stressful day at the office the next day. I had a quick meal in a small cafe closeby before heading to Mary’s apartment. I really had a hard time locating the isolated compound which stood at the end of a dirty street, poles away from other houses. It was my first time of visiting her. Parking my car in front of an old gate, i calmly dropped a piece of paper she used in writing down her address for me weeks ago, breathed deeply and alighted from my car. I dialled her phone number which rang twice before she answered it. “i’m in front of your house. At the gate” i slowly informed her, praying she comes out. She hung the call, saying nothing. I was lost and stunned. Breathing deeply i dialled her number again and again but she refused answering. In desperation i tucked my handset back in my breast pocket, raised up my head to see her rushing towards me. Her face bright with joy. She drew close stopped and stared at me with uncertainty. I smiled and hugged her. “i’m very sorry dear. Forgive me. I have realised my mistakes. I spoke to the pastor yesterday” i said softly, my heart pounding furiously. Such decietful words they were but enough to make her melt in my arms with joy. Chai!! The next episode will expose things ur comments.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:42:44 +0000

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