SIX MONTHS GONE BY....A NEW YEAR TO GO...... The object of a - TopicsExpress


SIX MONTHS GONE BY....A NEW YEAR TO GO...... The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.~ G.K. Chesterton ;)~ Wow....Its hard to believe it, but today marks my official recognition of six months in my new home...Alaska. I dont know what the odds were, or what the over and under was in Vegas on whether or not I would make it here, but I would have to say that the sure money says I will get through the winter after all...Im even surprised at how easy, and hard it has been to get to this point of the process.... I guess once I stepped of that plane and grabbed my 3 fifty pound bags that contained my life, I have tried to focus on what was in front of me. The Last Frontier has already taught me a few things about what my life is supposed to be about in the first place, and learning to continue to LATCH on to what works best for my program of living, and the dreams I have in it, has been a welcome gift to say the least...In some ways the struggles of the past, have made the present a much more pleasant place to be...and the future? The future....From my vantage point, it is still an open book, with pages and pages of empty space waiting to be filled. What a surreal adventure all this is at my age...and disposition. My adventures have slowed down a bit, but I am ok with that for now. The last few months I have tested my resolve, my body, and my abilities more than I have in quite some time...and you know what? I am still as enamored with this place today, as I was when I got off of that plane the first day...Although I am wearing more clothes, than I was then... The weather has been pleasant, and I have been lucky because of the mildness of the winter so far. It has been a big help because Ive had that other thing to get used to at the same time....The darkness. Sometimes I dont notice it all that much, until I look at a clock , and then realize its ten am and there is no Sun to be found that is...But its not like I wasnt warned about that part, and the one bit of advice I was given that I took to heart was to keep myself busy during the winter months...I think you know already...doing the two jobs thing for the last 2 months has filled that quota.... Now...Its time to keep on keepin on, and my plans havent changed anymore than my dreams or visions for my life have...although I have been blessed to have some new additions in those, mainly my Ms. Cindy. She and I both love a lot of the same things, and not only want the best of what Alaska has to offer, but we want the best for each other as well. I cant remember when I have ever had such a caring partner in my life to spend my days with...and if I was to give you the full DISCLOSURE I would have to let you know, I have every intention of holding on to that.... I could probably go on forever when it comes to my soul and its desires here in the ultimate playground, but I do have the day to face after all, so I should wrap this story up, but before I go I should say that the thing I like best about that sentence is that I am actually looking forward to the day...again...and new year or not that is really all I need....The excitement of life itself....and the motivations of the possibilities to come on top of it...of course... All in all, I think that adds up to a pretty good half a year so far, and the new year to come? I guess all I can say is..... Stay tuned....the ride is just getting started.... Have a great day and thanks for reading, Lance ;) We continue because...we can
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:43:34 +0000

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