SKINNER SOAP BOX ALERT: So the other day I mentioned that I - TopicsExpress


SKINNER SOAP BOX ALERT: So the other day I mentioned that I wished more people in the United States would read more. The reason I made this statement is due to the fact that someone named his or her son, Artemis, after the Greek goddess of the hunt. Now, if these parents were to have studied Greek mythology, or read a few books in junior or senior high, perhaps they would not have named their son after a female deity (btw, the Roman equivalent to Artemis is they basically named their boy Diana...anyway, I digress). Today during a random conversation on the floor, I mentioned that some nurses have a lackadaisical attitude when it comes to nursing. Here is how the following conversation went: Me: Some nurses have a lackadaisical attitude. Coworker 1: What did you just say? Me: Lackadaisical Coworker 1: What does that mean? You just made that word up. Me: No I didnt. Lackadaisical is a word. Coworker 2: What does it mean? It sounds like you got it from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Me: Whaa???? (So then I turn to dietary lady) Mrs. H., have you ever heard of the word, lackadaisical? Mrs. H.: No, you made that up. What does it mean? Use it in a sentence. Me: Lackadaisical means without care or doing things with no rhyme or reason to them, or going about without any sense of urgency. An example, That nurse is so lackadaisical when it comes to her work. Mrs. H.: Nah, thats not a word. Me: (to patient Mrs. L) Have you ever heard of the word, lackadaisical? Mrs. L.: No. Me: (to coworker 1, coworker 2, Mrs: H., and Mrs. L) I think all you ladies are conspiring against me to make me think Im crazy...I KNOW that lackadaisical is a word! GOOGLE IT! (How every argument is won) Coworker 2: (Googles the word and reads aloud) lack·a·dai·si·cal/ˌlakəˈdāzikəl/ adjective; lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy. Example : a lackadaisical defense left the Spurs adrift in the second half synonyms: lethargic, apathetic, listless, sluggish, spiritless, passionless; careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, halfhearted, lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned, casual, offhand, blasé, insouciant, relaxed. Me: (takes phone over to coworker 1) See, lackadaisical is a word! Coworker 1: (with proof in hand) Nope, thats not a word. Me: (Blank stare).... Ok, so here is the deal I would like to make with my friends on Facebook. Yes, this conversation was hilarious (you had to be there), but it also proves that if you dont use vocabulary, you lose it. I propose starting an online book club with my fellow Facebook friends. The object of the club is to read classic books that have vocabulary in them that maybe we arent exposed to on a daily basis. The idea is that when we read the books, if we get to a word that is unfamiliar to us, take out a dictionary and look up its meaning, synonyms and antonyms. I typically read a book in 2-3 days depending on my interest level, but I realize most of us on here do not have the time to demolish a novel in that time; therefore, I propose reading a new novel every other week. Im open to suggestions. Im a huge Thomas Hardy fan, so three that come to mind would be Return of the Native, The Mayor of Casterbridge, or Jude the Obscure. Anyone interested in doing this with me, please inbox me or reply here and lets get this going. Lets get reading and increase our vocabulary, America!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:58:23 +0000

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