SLEEP IS SO IMPORTANT ...IT IS THE ONLY TIME WE CAN TOTALLY REPAIR AND REGENERATE OUR CELLS .... HEALING WOUNDS..REBUILDING MUSCULAR TISSUES ..REPLENISHING MINERALS...... STRENGTHENING IMMUNE SYSTEM....RESET THE METABOLISM...REMOVE BACTERIA FROM OUR BLOOD...CLEANING OUR LYMPH GLANDS ECT.. EEG recordings show that we go through FIVE STAGES OF SLEEP = each with its characteristic brain-wave activity..... STAGE 1= Is the transition stage from wakefulness to sleep and is identified with theta waves and last between 1 to 7 minutes.......... STAGE 2= EEG recordings show fast-frequency burst of activity called sleep spindles. In stages 2 through 4 muscle tension, heart rate, respiration, and temperature gradually decline, STAGE 3 = it becomes more difficult to be awakened after 30 minuets after we fall asleep and we go in to REM sleep = Rapid eye movement STAGE 4= In this stage EEG recordings show delta waves and it is the deepest stage of sleep. There is a marked secretion of growth hormone in stage 4. Sleep researchers determine what sleep stage a person is in by the ratio between the number of sleep spindles and the number of delta waves . After this stage we go back to stage 2 and then enter REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep. Here EEG tracings look exactly like the beta waves that are observed when we are completely awake. In fact, brain-imaging studies show that the neurons in the CEREBRAL CORTEX become much more active during REM sleep . REM sleep makes up 20% of our sleep time and during this stage we experience vivid dreams. We go through this sleep cycle 5-6 times during 8 hours of sleep STAGE 5=DEEP SLEEP RESEARCH has shown EEG FINDINGS= Importance of deep sleep and REM sleep...OUR BODIES GO INTO REPAIR MODE.. Deep sleep=At THE SAME TIME OVER 100,000 BILLION CELLS RESTORE THEMSELVES IN A 7-YEAR CYCLE DURING DEEP AND REM SLEEP... Growth Hormones are released, CELLS ARE REPLACED AND MUSCULAR TISSUES REBUILD .... MINERAL LOSSES ARE REPLENISHED.... WOUNDS HEAL .... Corticosteroid hormones build up our resistance to infections and tiredness. WE BECOME IMMUNE TO ALL KINDS OF DISEASES . White corpuscles surround and destroy bacteria. CLEANS THE LYMPH GLANDS AND SPLEEN WHILE REMOVING BACTERIA FROM THE BLOOD ABOUT 75 % OF PEOPLE THAT HAVE INSOMNIA ARE MAGNESIUM DEFICIENT ...BEWARE OF SYNTHETIC SUPPLEMENTS !! USE FOOD BASED SUPPLEMENTS ONLY ...SYNT SLEEP DEPRIVATION== CAN IMPAIR COGNITIVE BRAIN FUNCTIONS =LOSS OF EQUILIBRIUM ...DEPRESSION .. IMMUNE DISORDERS ..PSYCHOSIS - CHEMICAL IMBALANCE ... ALSO CAN SET OFF BIPOLAR EPISODES AND -SCHIZOPHRENIA TYPE SYMTOMS ..HORMONAL DYSFUNCTION SUCH AS HYPO THYROID CONDITION.....HEAL YOUR SELVES ...LOVE Lisa Duva xoxoxoxo
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:08:15 +0000

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