SLICES OF LIFE: 25/7/13 Handling Dilemmas: 1Kings 3:21 And when - TopicsExpress


SLICES OF LIFE: 25/7/13 Handling Dilemmas: 1Kings 3:21 And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear. The quiz show, “Who wants to be a millionaire?” presents us with various scenarios, some going down, after going up and some losing out completely and returning home empty handed. Contestants are caught in a dilemma, what to say yes or no to, while the clock ticks away aggressively. The anchor man’s familiar voice, sails through the speakers, “is that your final answer?” The answer defines the next movement in the game, up or down or out. Two harlots came to Solomon for judgement. They slept, each with her living child, but in the morning, one discovered she woke up beside a dead child which she claims was not hers, insisting that her child has been switched. In a world where there was no paternity or DNA test for determining the true identity of the mother. Solomon accessed divine wisdom, through which he tested for the mothering instinct. He commanded that the living child should be cut into two pieces and given to each mother. The true mother of the child, said the baby should be allowed to live and given to the other woman, while the other said the baby should be killed. Solomon gave the living child to the true mother who preferred that the child should live rather than die. Life is all about decisions; they shape our lives every day. We are like Solomon, the king and the judge; we decide what should live and what should die. What should grow and what should be stunted. While some decisions are a “no brainer”, some are very difficult to take. We find ourselves at a crossroad when the consequences of each option are difficult. Dilemmas have been the graveyard of some destiny and the springboard of some. While some trust their hunches, there are situations where this may not work and where we need to consult the one who has all the answers – God, to enable us make the right decision. Dilemmas are a test of discernment. It is a test of your ability to discern. A dilemma becomes heightened when it is time bound. The clock is ticking and you have to take decision now. Ask God for wisdom. Solomon had previously asked God for wisdom, understanding an ability to discern between good and evil. 1Kings 3:9 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? What holds us back from divine wisdom is our willingness to ask. We marvel at Solomon’s wisdom, but we have access to the source, if we can ask: James_1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. We already have an assurance that, (a) we will be given (b) we will be given generously. Live in that reality. When you have asked, believe that you have the wisdom of God and confess and live it. Say with me: I have the wisdom of God, I make intelligent decisions, I see the whole picture, my life is getting better and better. Ask God for guidance and live in that reality. Isaiah 58:11a And the LORD shall guide thee continually. Take it into your spirit and make it your reality. You are continually guided by God, there is no room for silly mistakes or errors, and you make intelligent decisions. The wisdom of God builds you up and guides you. Download or listen to audio:SLICES OF LIFE 25 7 13 Handling Dilemmas
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:48:14 +0000

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