SMALL ACCOUNT OF GARY MANNION PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP SEANCE JUNE 6TH 2014 GILBERT SANCTUARY PORTSMOUITH U.K EACH SEANCE IS UNIQUE AND EXPERIMENTAL,THIS SÉANCE AS ALWAYS WELCOMED PEOPLE FROM OVER SEAS THE FURTHEST FROM GUERNSEY NEXT SIT OZ AGAIN…...MEDIUMSHIP BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER AGAIN.. THE ENERGY OF HARMONY AND UNITY AND PURE INTENT AS ALWAYS SO POWERFUL!!!…. This sacred space is a small sanctuary purpose built only for physical mediumship and associated phenomina that holds 12 people The floor creaks on any movement, and there is NO room to swing anything.. (:- THIS SANCTUARY USES AN ALL IN ONE CURTAIN THAT OPENS ONLY BY TAKING IT UP AND OVER THE TOP OF THE CABINET ….NO SLITS IN THE MIDDLE…. THE MEDIUM TRAVELS FROM COVENTRY FOLLOWING A PSYCHIC SURGERY CLINIC TRAFFIC PROBLEMS FROM ACCIDENTS AS USUAL It is a happy bunch of fellows, which will enable the harmony to escalate , as we proceed to welcome our spirit family and friends, in to work with our and their love and energy EXCITING AS WE WORK MORE TOWARDS THE LIGHT IN SÉANCE CONDITIONS, ALL IN GOOD TIME SPIRIT TIME THAT IS… … PRE SÉANCE PREPARATION NORMAL SAFE AND PROFESSIONAL PROCEEDURES ENSUED AS ALWAYS… Disclaimer forms are signed, each sitter has a metal detector scan and the medium is also searched. Prior to this two independent people check the sacred space séance room… ….. It has always been the practise to remove shoes, jackets, jewellery, metal of any kind, and to leave behind all electrical equipment and personal belongings. Pic ID is now essential at every sit even if the medium decides not to check all individually, this is respectful practise and noone would sit without this information… A talk is always given on the expectations of SAFE sitter behaviour. and respect of each other and our spirit friends.The more a person gives in happiness and voice vibration ,and INTERACTION the better the whole seance will be…as we will give our spirit friends the best environment to work in, in order for them to give us amazing energy manipulation, in whatever way they may choose, and be able. All seats are allocated beforehand subject to energy need, and to the safety of the medium, to have experienced and known sitters generally at the cabinet,.and to disperse new sitters to be next to a home circle member or experienced sitter. People take their seats after their metal body scan and body check. A volunteer sitter attaches the police cables,around the wrists, to prevent skin damage, and cutting as has happened before,THE SCISSORS TO REMOVE THE POLICE CABLES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEANCE ARE GIVEN TO A PERSON AS FAR AWAY FROM THE CABINET AS POSSIBLE.. All bulbs have been removed, and the door sealed. All toys musical instruments,table, trumpet and red light are around the cabinet. A PRAYER OF PROTECTION AND WELCOME IS GIVEN TO ILLUSTRATE AS ALWAYS WHAT AN ENORMOUS PRIVELEDGE THIS IS, AS THE TWO WORLDS COLLIDE IN THIS SACRED SPACE…All sitters hold hands throughout with this mediums séances, and legs are interlinked throughout ‘’The cupboard next to the cabinet often frequented by spirit children leaving the cabinet, we placed the mediums own cabinet in, whislt he used mine at the sanctuary. Interesting experiment followed this throughout the séance ha ha’’….as they decided differently PHENOMINA Activity begins amongst the items next to the cabinet as spirit engage in a playful way with items…the two trumpets are moved, and fingers pinch my right knee…much manipulation of toys ensued The fluorescent cord from the ceiling light fixture, is manouvered and thrown parallel to the cabinet, and then on top of it VOICE Jimmy speaks welcoming all, and instructing the proceedings, says he can work with the boiler which I had put on temporarily to dry the mediums socks ha ha they cared not I had left it on bless them… (((:- He tells us that as there are mediums in development here , he will have to balance the energy and goes off to do so…AS THE MUSIC CONTINUES. Eventually spirit take over the music player, and the increased loudness of the music is evident…we are asked what we expect .as always we say we expect nothing and value all that spirit friends can give hoping we can provide the most amazing energy for them to work with us……. PHENOMINA Water is sprayed around the room, from the bowl of water and many psychic breezes ensue, a nice coolant to be sure. Many sitters are touched also at the end of the sanctuary space, on knees, feet, neck and legs. Again Spirit write words on one sitters knee that she couldn’t quite remember sadly.I had my face held so gently BY TWO WARM SOLID HANDS and was given in my hand a piece of scrabble,the letter ‘’F’’ Then the long string of my Buddhist beads, were taken off of the door handle, and placed around my neck so gently … VOICE Our spirit friends now play the mouth organ, and whilst doing so we hear THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECT VOICE, must profoundly , THIS FADES AS THE HARMONICA CONTINUES TO BE PLAYED…. We are told the trumpets are too bright, so they are removed to the floor temporarily , and Jimmy answers questions of sitters. We are also told now that if the energy remains high enough, they will try the production of ectoplasm in red light…… PHENOMINA Spirit friends have been very busy in the cupboard next to the cabinet, with the mediums own cabinet, this area is often our portal for spirit. Indeed what they had been doing was placing the mediums own cabinet for his comfort into mine…without damaging it…which had concerned me. Sitters was asked to check the mediums cable ties were still in place VOICE AND ECTOPLASM We were told of the experiment now that they were to undergo with ectoplasms in clear red light,and that they had dematerialised the mediums teashirt to cover the light.As our spirit friends had been moving one cabinet into another, they had also moved the cabinet to the side so all would not see the ectoplasm forming , this was discussed and after a while it was decided that the three of us that couldn’t see, would be allowed to sit on the floor in front of the medium..The ectoplasm WAS CLEARLY HEARD AS ‘’’only ectoplasm can be’’’ (:- it was seen to flow from the mouth as a membranous substance to the chest wall, this was also seen to return to the mediums mouth, totality of evidence… ANOTHER REASON WHY TISSUES ARE NOT ALLOWED INTO THE SÉANCE ROOM , as some could argue this to be tissue!!!! Spirit are to allow the filming of this in the future….. PHENOMINA A fluorescent plaque was seen now to float around the room,much higher than the cabinet, and a face above this clearly materialised and was seen as the plaque was taken into spirits mouth.This face was seen to grow smaller. The plaque now showing a hand with five fingers to the wrist, and then another hand of a different size. Even though energy was beginning to deplete spirit still manages to send the fluorescent balls around the room….Question offered was given again…We asked how we could help the energy to stay raised for them Jimmy said he is not one of the scientists in the group, and was asked to come forward to help with the mediums voice only for a while BUT he was still there bless him. He told us he would look forward to visiting our home circles, so I HOLD HIM TO THAT FOR OURS HERE AT GILBERTS. Much singing followed from us, as the music player was troublesome at times… Amazing evening for all especially those who had never seen the production of ectoplasm before, in bright red light… THANKYO SO MUCH TO GARY MANNION FOR COMING TO SIT WITH US AT GILBERTS, AND WE WISH YOU A SAFE JOURNEY ONWARDS TO SCOTLAND,AND BACK TO OZ IN A FEW WEEKS.. We let earth energy into the room now to cool after closing prayer, and deroast the medium, and cut him out (((:- UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Su and all at Gilberts Portsmouth U.K. Great group of peeps Wary Gary, and Scarey Spooky Gary ha ha. Lovely times x
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 03:24:46 +0000

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