SMALL ALBANIA SHOWED A GREAT EXAMPLE IN PARIS! - Albanian representatives of the 4 religions were warmly greeted - PM RAMA AND THE ACCOMPANYING ALBANIAN DELEGATION PARTICIPATED IN THE GREAT MARCH OF PEACE PARIS, 11.1.2015 ( - Prime Minister Edi Rama joined today the peace march of millions of citizens from all over the world gathered in Republic Square in Paris as a response to the terrorist murders occurred recently in France. Dozens of world leaders were part of this majestic march in solidarity and alliance against terrorism, and in support of the values of freedom, equality and brotherhood. Prime Minister Edi Rama was accompanied by Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth Erion Veliaj, representatives of four religious communities in the country, as well as media representatives, journalists and analysts. The Albanian delegation paid tribute to the 12 people tragically killed and placed a wreath near the building of the Charlie Hebdo magazine. In a statement to the Albanian media that was part of the delegation, the Prime Minister said that this delegation is there to prove that the Albania of religious brotherhood is determined to continue holding up the banner of freedom, rights and equality among all opinions and religious beliefs. Later, Prime Minister Edi Rama attended the reception that the French President François Hollande reserved for world leaders participating in the worldwide solidarity march against terrorism. Earlier, while traveling to Paris, Prime Minister Rama wrote among other things in a post on FB and Twitter that The time has come to clearly chose between hate that divides and unity for freedom, equality, brotherhood. This is our moment to respond on behalf of hope and cooperation among people on these excellent and non-negotiable values. STATEMENT BY PM EDI RAMA TO THE ALNBANIAN MEDIA (part of the Albanian delegation at the March Peace in Paris): Everyone should understand that it is not just Paris that was attacked, but every country that is connected to the values that France represents, the values of freedom, equality, brotherhood that France has embodied in its most glorious way. And on the other hand, everyone should understand that these acts can occur here, can occur anywhere, but the fight against terrorism takes place today, in all our countries even when the acts occur outside our countries. We are here to prove that the Albania of religious brotherhood is determined to continue holding up the banner of freedom, the banner of rights, the banner of equality among all opinions and beliefs and not fall into the trap of hatred, discord, fear, where this plague is trying to involve our world. This act and this war clearly prove that the attempt of the enemies of our freedom is an attempt that aims precisely at the division among religions, while these terrorists have no connection with religion, have no connection with the Prophet, have no connection with God because there is no God, no prophet, and no religion that encourages the killing of people, that encourages division and encourages the extermination of a party on behalf of another party. I am very proud that today this peace rally is attended not only by us as representatives of the government, but also by representatives of the four main religions in the country, and certainly a group of journalists and analysts, people who struggle daily in the frontline of the freedom of speech and equal information of the people. How immune is Albania from such scenarios? Nobody is shortsighted to talk about immunity of a country or of another country. At the moment one of the countries of the European family, of the democratic world where we belong is attacked, we are attacked directly, not symbolically, but realistically, because the values and foundations upon which we have decided to build our lives and our future are attacked. And this is not symbolic at all, but this is our real life today in a world where we have made a clear choice for tolerance, we have made a clear choice for freedom, we have made a clear choice for the non-negotiable rights of people opposite another choice that is trying to be imposed on us by means of discord, aiming to divide Muslims and Christians, aiming to put the world face a religious conflict which for us is intolerable and has no connection with beliefs, no connection with the word of the Prophets, no connection with what the religion of anybody inspires. And, let us not forget that if we want a clear example of how to treat opponents, how to treat enemies, how tolerance and peace triumph over violence and war, we need to look at the episodes of the life of Prophet Muhammad himself.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:06:22 +0000

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