SMD 1/24/1927 ROVER Willie Judd is very sick with - TopicsExpress


SMD 1/24/1927 ROVER Willie Judd is very sick with pneumonia. Grandma Thom is in very poor health. J.E. Murpy is in poor health at present. The English school will close after two weeks. Bro. Bennett held services at the home of A.F. Davis Sunday afternoon. Rev. Perry Bennett is conducting a revival meeting at this place. Great interest is manifested in the meeting. There has been seven conversions. The whole community is becoming interested. BONDS Rev. Clovin preached at Bonds last Sunday. Robt. Standley of Couch visited Earl Grooms Saturday night. Calvert Holt of Thayer moved back to his sold home farm last week. Mrs. Robt. Mills and also Mrs. Sarah Mills were on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pr?? Visited her parents, Dan Fraley and wife Sunday. Pete Holman is assisting John Grooms with the carpenter work on his house. Mrs. Essie Bonds and son, Osie, visited Milo Standley and family at Couch Sunday. The teacher and pupils of this school are preparing a splendid program for the ?? of school. ?? Grooms and family, ?? Grooms and wife and Grandma Sisco were Sunday visitors at Geo. Murph(??) PENNWOOD E.L. Lewis made a business trip to Alton Friday. Fannie Lewis spent the week end with home folks. Miss Anna Giles was shopping in Alton Saturday. W.P. Andrews and Robin Boze went to Alton Saturday. Jas. Morrison made a business trip to Thomasville last week. Henry Andrews and Mrs. Walter Boze were in Alton one day last week. Misses Anna Giles and Gertrude Andrews visited with Mrs. W. Boze Sunday. Tom Dills and family of Warm Fork, visited with A.I. Doney and family Sunday. Uncle Kin Short and Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Muse and daughter visited with Uncle Alex Boze and wife and Edd Smith and family last week. LIBERTY Mrs. Janie Doublas was trading at New Liberty Friday. Miss Mary Vanwinkle spent Sunday with Sadie Vanwinkle. Silar Jones and family made a trip to Fremont Thursday. Miss Eva Allmon spent Sunday with Mrs. R. N. Allmon. Misses Gladys Sifford and Iva Leslie visited Ethel Allmon Sunday. Dan Reed and family visited Silas Jones the latter part of the week. Rev. Collins and family visited Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Vanwinkle Sunday. Merle Ross visited her aunt, Miss Cora Ross the latter part of last week. The pie supper at the Ross school house was a real success. The proceeds were $24.55. If you want a good auctioneer call on Wheeler Caruthers of Greer. He makes the boys pay for their pies. SHILOH Miss Lottie Hardwick visited Mrs. Guy Hensley Saturday. Mrs. Earl Andrews visited Misses Nettie and Emma Andrews Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Redburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wiggs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holmes visited T.R. Ferrell’s Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Lois Crews has returned home from Mt. Vernon where she has been working. Henry, Dave, and Mildred Redburn visited with friends near Koshkonong last week. Elvin Crews and Miss Mary Ferrell attended the pie supper at New Home Saturday night. Clarence Bartley and Henry Andrew attended the birthday dinner at Mr. Bradley’s Sunday. Misses Laura and Nova Dills visited Gertie and Anna Dills Saturday night and Sunday. SMD February 3, 1921 PINEY Willie Bennett is on the sick list this week. Paris Wheeler’s little baby has been very sick this week. Ray Davis of Garfield spent Saturday night at Uncle Wood Hammon’s. Bro. Marion Pierce will preach at Piney Saturday night and Sunday. John E. Barton and wife visited relatives and friends at Couch Thursday. Posey Corbin and Wiley Frey attended church at Couch Saturday night. Charlie Tarlton and wife visited Johnny Wheeler’s Saturday night and Sunday. John and Miss Lillie Hays spent Saturday night and Sunday at Tom Dunkins near Elm Store, Ark. PENNWOOD E.L. Lewis and Jas. Morrison were in Alton Saturday. Dr. Plummer of Thomasville visited our school last week. W.P. Andrews made a business trip to Alton Thursday. Mrs. A.J. Bartley and son Bonny(?) visited at A.L. Doney’s Sunday. Monroe Childers returned home last week from a business trip on Warm Fork. Messrs. Charlie and Frank Doney, Albert and Charlie Morrison attended the birthday dinner at Ben Crews Sunday. Charlie and Albert Morrison returned home last week from Texas where they have been working for the past year. Messrs. Edd and Fred Smith, Walter and Robin Boze and Miss Lena Were callers at the Monroe Childers home Sunday evening. BONDS Bro. Marion Pierce preached at Bonds Sunday. Dan Fraley and family visited at Julius Fraley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grooms visited Mrs. Essie Bonds Sunday. Delia Grooms visited with Laura Holman Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Childers are the proud parents of a baby boy born January 22. Geo. Norman and wife, John Grooms and wife and Albert Harper and family were guests of Robt. Mills Sunday. Miss Bernice Grooms is staying with Mrs. Everett Bonds at Thayer while Mr. Bonds is in the hospital in St. Louis. COUCH Ralph McMakin is having his hay baled. Miss McCullough spent the week end with home folks. Miss Edna Wheeler is staying at E.L. Pinkley this week. Mrs. Viola Norman spent Friday with Mrs. Jeney Harper. Mr. and Mrs. John Crowell are the parents of a new baby girl. Oscar Mooney and family visited at Mrs. Susie Sanders Sunday. Mrs. Pinkley who has been very low is some better at this writing. Jim Maddox is confined to his bed with something like srysipalas(?). Miss Lida Johnson of Thayer visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hardister and daughter have moved to the Baylie Jenkins property. Bro. Silas Biffle and wife spent Saturday night with Mrs. John Norman. Mrs. Sarah Miller of Ponca, Okla., is visited her brother, D.B. Johnson and family. Abner and Theodore Rhoades made a trip to St. Louis last week with a load of cattle. Robert Sanders and wife visited the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Johnson and Mrs. Sarah Miller visited friends at Garfield Sunday. Several young folks gathered at the home of Mrs. Sanders Sunday afternoon; as a surprise to her son Frank, in honor of his birthday. A kitchen shower was given at the home of Mrs. Susie Sanders Monday night Jan. 17th in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders. A delightful evening was passed. The young couple received many useful gifts. MANY SPRINGS Clarence Forester was a guest of Roy Harris Saturday night. Miss Lottie Lowry visited at the home of J.H. Johnson Friday night. Hine(?) Norton of Billmore visited at this place Saturday and Sunday. Clarence Lowry and family visited at the home of Willie Allen on the river Saturday night and Sunday. Lawrence Irvine who has had a position at Coffeyville, Kansas for several months returned home a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Johnson visited at Wilderness at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Roy Simpson, Saturday night and Sunday. A surprise birthday dinner was given at the home of J.H. Johnson Sunday in remembrance of Mrs. Johnson’s birthday, with all her children and grandchildren present and a number of relatives and friends. All brought well filled baskets and a bountiful dinner was enjoyed. NORMAN Dan Fraley and family visited Julius Fraley and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Easley visited at R.F. Holman’s Saturday night and Sunday. John Grooms and several of his friends are rebuilding his house a little south of the spot where his old house stood. Judge Meyer who has a saw mill on Harry Copenhagen’s farm has been doing quite a bit of sawing in the past few weeks. The Judge says Harry sure has some fine lumber. He also says Harry has about 100 logs of pine. Judge Meyer’s hired hands are batching at the presence. They have elected Bill Meyer head cook. Joe Williams came home from Kansas last week. George Harper made a trip to Thayer Friday. Harden Blankenship and family motored to Thayer Saturday. Alex Warren and Ben Gum took dinner at Geo. Moore’s Saturday. Ferdinand Whiteside and Elizabeth Conner were quietly married at the home of the brides parents Jan. 28. NEW LIBERTY Dan Weaver and son, Dorris were buying cattle Wednesday. Miss Gladys Sifford visited home folks at Woodside Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Jas. Simpson will preach at New Liberty the last Sunday in February. Geo and Cora Ross were pleasant callers at the home of R. N. Allmon Sunday. Misses Mary Vanwinkle and ?? Allmon were the guest of Miss Marie Ross Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross and family were callers at the home of R. N. Allmon’s Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barton(?) were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ?? Barrett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Douglas visited at the home of J. Douglas the latter part of the week. CAVE SPRING There is Sunday school every Sunday at this place. Joe Baker and family spent Sunday with Perry Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stogsdill visited Wm. Breeding’s Sunday. Mrs. J.A. Barton and daughter Allie visited Elmer Barton’s Thursday last. W.B. Hutchinson of Clifton spent part of last week in this vicinity on business. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrews are the proud parents of a baby boy born January 30. Joe Norman who has been working at Jefferson City for some time is visiting his mother. Martha Stogsdill who is teaching the Morgan school, visited home folks the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barton of Reynolds county, Mo., are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stogsdill. Willie and Albert Barton who have been driving to school at Alton are boarding this week on account of bad roads. The Freewill Baptist quarterly meeting will be held at this place on Saturday before the second Sunday in February.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 00:00:33 +0000

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