SMS Marketing is the use of SMS medium as a communication channel - TopicsExpress


SMS Marketing is the use of SMS medium as a communication channel between brands and end users that guarantees direct interaction with users. Its a cost effective advertising strategy with a unique, thought streamlining selling point, as the readers, though, forced to read the message, eventually finds the words sinking into their mind sub-consciously. These striking benefits among others distinguish SMS Marketing from other form of marketing: *Personal- Its an effective direct communication to the individual *Cost Effective- Significantly cheaper than other media *High Reach- 30% response rate at first contact and up to 45% with multiple contact *Viral- Research reveals that those who get the message often ask others about it and by that, the message spreads *Prompt Delivery- Anytime / Anywhere, the message gets there instantly *Reference- Messages can be stored and referred later SMS Marketing application could be deployed for: *Product Launch *Sales Promotion *Brand Awareness *Event Promotion *Market Research *Advert Based Promotion *Mobile Coupon LAO-GLOBAL SMS provides additional services to execute an SMS Marketing campaign. Target Marketing- Well crafted messages are pushed to the target audience. You may have your own list for your market or use LAO-GLOBAL SMS growing database of phone numbers. To enjoy all this great features, kindly sign up for a FREE account @ laoglobalsms For more info: larryotinwa@gmail 08023848098,08093848098
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 10:50:50 +0000

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