SNIPPETS FROM 44TH CONVOCATION OF UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA BY M A C ODU Convocation is the quintessence of academy. It is a call-together of all the elements, compounds and substances of academy. It is the concourse of all functions within a university system that together work toward the age-old goal of learning, research and public service. The brightest and the best in real terms are called together and celebrated with aplomb fit for angels. The 44th Convocation was loaded with age-old form and function. The parts fitted awkwardly into a carnival that ought to have lifted the soul of parents, their children and awardees of high honours. It could have been rehearsed in the manner of originators of academy in far away Bologna where university culture was known to have been initially planted. University convocations should be heavy on solemnity. It signifies an important passage of a human spirit through the chemistry of knowledge with which futures should be constructed. There should be no room for flaws of name-and-other-words pronunciation especially from those professing cognate fields of learning. Dictionaries contain correct pronunciation of words which Deans of Faculties should have taken advantage of prior to convocation day when they step forward to present fruits of their endeavours. The Chancellor and symbolic head of each and every university should receive the doffing of academic doctoral caps with required bow. One saw disparate treatment of the doffing and the bowing at 44th. It does not matter that unsuitable people find themselves in that role without requisite qualities. The chancellor should represent the quintessence of academy worth revering by accomplished academics. He bears respect for his nomination by The Visitor. However where Alumni play their roles properly as permanent owners of universities, chancellors should be appointed from their ranks in congruence with their dedication and commensurate qualification for reverence. Deans were for large part awkward in their carriage during the celebrations. The University Orator should be at home with all those worthy of mention with appropriate correct pronunciation of names no matter from what part of the world such names originate. There should be no hurry in delivery. Convocation arena should not be a theatre for humour. It is a concourse for the highest and the best in sound and soul. The orator did her best and left room for improvement in the future. Lions and Lionesses got desired repair of their psyches in previous turbulent tenures, especially of the immediate past vice chancellor that had multilateral agenda not connected with excellence in academy. Vice-chancellor was aware of the unique role of alumni and created ample room for celebrating us. Our incumbent national president was in procession as provided by convention and got the place among the key officers clad in colours of our Alma Mater. The days of the locusts had rolled by and we look forward to a new regime of cooperation and perhaps a hundred naira a day support to our source of life and charm which I had proposed during my tenure as panacea to decreasing fortunes of University of Nigeria Alumni Association, UNAA. Pro-chancellor and lawyer was suave with pungent speech that took in dissension as a normal breakfast, in his comment on11th National President of University of Nigeria Alumni Association(UNAA), Barrister Andrew Oru. The author is 5th. A number of national officers were at 44th. Princess Ngozi Dabirinze from Port Harcourt used her voice as well as in the past. Chief Emeka Nwanevu from Eko for show coordinated alumni events in situ; Annietie Ekpenyong from Oil and Aluminium state combined colours well. One quiet Yoruba Lion with lovely reminiscences of his Masters Degree admission opportunity just tagged along saying very little. Home Lions and Lionesses were at their best in desired comradeship as we visited glorious mates and stars of our Alma Mater. Scores of younger Lions and their wives, some Lionesses too, took up reserved seats bang on the Podium Fairview. It was clear that my generation was an incipient decline group. But Pioneer Class 63 was represented by Second National President Chief Nduka Eya. University of Nigeria Song was always rendered with glee and confidence in providence after Nigeria’s National Anthem. A young lady won the overall prize for first degree students and she was flawless in her delivery. She was a product of academics who evidently strained every nerve to nurture her. Their effort paid off in spontaneous applause from the four winds of Margaret Ekpo Refectory that has now become Convocation venue for good. Pangs of pain shot at me for degradation of university life in the hands of military adventurists. Handsome budget was made to host a galaxy of greats after each exhausting day. Yours truly was billeted in a hotel in Nsukka town. It was nice to come home to mother and see all siblings, some in my generation afflicted by age and stress, phlegmatic and worn at joints. But conviviality was in the air. Convocation represents the grand event on campus and the regeneration watershed of components of the first independent university in Nigeria. I congratulate the vice-chancellor on his first outing and look forward to a more solemn event at which vibrations of deliberate dignity of man shall compel human spirits on parade to absorb the supreme essence of qualification in learning and conduct which convocation represents. I hope University of Nigeria returns to a university in pristine concept, form and function as an international institution. I will resist attempts to enclave it, I solemnly promise.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:56:32 +0000

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