SNP privatising Scotlands Forests (even the Torys cannot get away - TopicsExpress


SNP privatising Scotlands Forests (even the Torys cannot get away with that in England) SNP government gives a company over £311,000 of taxpayers money in a GRANT to buy Scotlands forests. Now the company could not afford to buy the land - so the compamy agreed to sign a lease with a private logging company for £1.3 million - so the private logging company has the rights to log the Scottish forest for the next 99 years. And the SNP claim this is a community buy out - it is nothing of the sort is SNP using £311,000 of taxpayers money as a cover for privatising our forest and letting a private logging company profit from our forest for the next 99 years There should be a public enquiry - as the story does not end there Mike Russell, the SNP Education secretary, was on the board of the company from 17th Nov 2008 until 12th June 2011 - along with Donald Walker (Invitrogen ) - a company that the SNP government has given £4.3 million of taxpayers money Before becoming education secretary Mike Russell was Environment minister (while on the board of the company)- where he had responsibility for community land purchase and forestry from 2007 until 2009 - nice way to figure out how to use taxpayers money to privatise our forests - and it costs your company not one penny to buy it We would not let the Tories privatise our forests - so they just call themselves SNP to get away with it ! Remember - SNP were party to privatising Scotlands Water - and are handing private English water companies licenses to charge Scots for their own water We DO NEED INDEPENDENCE - FROM THE SNP These are our forests - being privatised for a song to private logging companies - under the guise of community buy outs - just before an independence vote
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:17:31 +0000

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