SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, WE ARE ALL TEACHERS AND ALL STUDENTS. LOVE AND LIGHT LISA PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: IS NOT EASY BEING AWARE of the importance of learning from injuries that life gives us learning or indirectly transmit us their experiences with others. Investing part of our life to assimilate the challenges and committed mistakes must be the result of the best to be in day to day, taking it very clear that only then we will be able to struggle and strive to be better people; more human, more sensitive to the needs of others, more humble before our fellow more involved and committed to the conditions in which we as human beings; firmer and especially with ourselves with what we want to achieve and learn to fight for it; thus giving a reason for our existence. Of course it is not easy, maybe with time, dedication and perseverance we will not only consolidate achievements; but also our personality into the type of person we want to be. This however, is not finished and may never know whether we have achieved, because the person who says it has achieved everything and know everything was a big mistake. Since we never stop learning and every moment we change our perspective of life here, the important thing is that to be permanently and spiral to see in us a lifelong human development. In a sense, it is better to cooperate and pool knowledge, people and conditions in our lives to fight and deal with situations that put us at continuous risk and are obstacles to achieving our goals and personal goals. Being wise we make our life a balance where you made yesterday and achievement serve to go up one more step towards the expected path, learn from mistakes and not fight what is absurd; as this weakens us and makes us lose sight of the reason for our existence. WANT TO BE BETTER IF we do here and now what we set; any idea or project will always be valid for improvement. GREETINGS AND KEEP ENJOYING THIS DAY ..... PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Is NOT easy to be aware of the ideas importance lesions having to learn That life gives us or others learning That Indirectly Transmitted With Their experiences. Invest part of our lives to assimilate the challenges and mistakes must be the result of being better every day, having very clear to just so we will be able to struggle and STRIVE to be better people; more human, more sensitive to the needs of others, more humble before our fellows, more participative and Committed to the conditions in Which We find ourselves as human beings; and mostly firmer with ourselves with what we want to Achieve to learn and fight for it; giving a reason for our existence. That of course is not easy, Perhaps WITH TIME, dedication and perseverance will be consolidated not only achievements; But Also our personality into the kind of person we want to be. This however it, is not something finished and Perhaps we will never know if info we have Achieved, Because the person saying it has made everything and knows everything That I have is on a big mistake. Since we never finished learning and Constantly modify our perspective of life, here, the important Is that permanently and spiral to see in us a permanent human development. In a sense, it is best to Cooperate and adding knowledge, people and conditions to our lives and fight That Deal with Situations That we put in permanent danger and are obstacles to Achieve our goals and staff goals. Being sensible we will make our life a balance done yesterday where achievement will serve as a step to climb more Toward the expected path, learn from mistakes and not to fight against what is absurd; Already this weakens and makes us lose sight of That We the reason of our existence. If we want to be best Should we do here and now what we propose; any idea or project will always be valid to improve. GREETINGS AND CONTINUE ENJOYING THIS DAY
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 23:07:45 +0000

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