SO CDC HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DISMANTLED DURING THE EBOLA CRISIS? POLITICAL THUGS, HOOLIGANS AND RENEGADES ABANDONING THEIR PARTY FOR THE REBIRTH OF A NEW CDC INCOGNITO, (FORMATION OF THE BETTER LIBERIA CAMPAIGN); DEVOID OF GEORGE WEAH, TO MOBILIZE THE LIBERIAN PEOPLE TO FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT DURING THE TIME OF THE EBOLA CRISIS. THEIR MORIBUND CDC HAS BEEN ABANDONED TO DIE A NATURAL DEATH WITH THE WORLD BEST SOCCER PLAYER, GEORGE WEAH. HERE IS UNVEILING OF THE FAILED MASTER PLAN OF THE (FORMATION OF THE BETTER LIBERIA CAMPAIGN) FOR YOUR OWN PERUSAL. LETS REFOCUS ON THE EBOLA CRISIS AFTER THIS FAILED ATTEMPT. Fellow Liberians With all the issues going on in Liberia, we believe Liberians who care and are of like mind should begin to form a unified Diaspora/Ground effort to push for a Better Liberia. We really need to start combining forces and sharing information to put a concerted and consistent pressure on the Government of Liberia to do the right thing or exit the stage for a Better Liberia to happen. We cannot bore you with the multiplicity of obvious issues so we will simply share our thoughts on the direction we need to collectively embark on. In collaboration with Diaspora Liberians and like minded Liberians on the ground, we in the diaspora need to maximize collective pressure on the Liberian Government to seriously crack down on corruption and start to produce real results. We believe a core critical mass of committed persons can begin the diaspora/ground initiative against corruption and bad governance. Once the organization structure is concretized, some of the activities we envision this group engaging in are: inform the Liberian people in simple terms (through stories, illustrations, videos, excerpt from audits, projects left undone, etc.) the level of corruption, embezzled/misappropriated funds, and the lost development; empower the Liberian people to self-help through information and direct intervention; make the case to the US Government (individual congresspersons, caucuses, White House, , EU, IMF, WB, ADB, and our international partners to force the Liberian government to do the right thing; bring lawsuits against corrupt government officials; bring lawsuits against corrupt companies operating in Liberia, especially those with deep ties to the corrupt cabal; and in collaboration with other stakeholders, develop a new roadmap for where we want Liberia to go and what it should be in order to benefit ALL citizens, inclusive of re-engineering government functions. We believe a starting point is an integrated Sirleaf nepotism, cronyism, and international associates’ family tree to enable a trail of the power and money, quantify it and show all assets and controls where possible so that people can appreciate the extent of this corruption empire. We need to use what the international community is saying about this Government (reviews, reports, USAID Governance Stakeholder Study, International indexes, etc.) to expose the ails and the level of ineptitude/incompetence in government along with the corruption. We need to resuscitate those audit reports and quantify the level of corruption that has gone unchecked. We need to map the lack of public services to the various municipalities in specific fashion, even capturing videos and images (bad schools, prostitution, young pregnant girls in the villages, sick people not being treated, poor construction projects, elaborate parties, etc.) and create a video library with documentaries that show exactly whats happening in Liberia to the majority of our people while few in the oligarchy are enjoying tremendous wealth and opulence. Lets start with the Sirleaf money, power, and corruption tree. Based on your respective political acumen and exposure, we are confident that you have some facts or references about a lot of these connections and are capable of providing and sharing information that will allow us to gradually elaborate the picture? If interested, please contact: Bobby Whitfield, Australia, [email protected] or +61 468 467 476 John Brownell, Europe, [email protected] Isaac Vah Tukpah, Jr. , The Americas, itukpah@gmail or 301-655-5984 We believe that once you we get a critical mass of Liberians engage in this process, we will be able to finalize on how we move forward with this Diaspora Initiative for a Better Liberia and how we can be more inclusive to incorporate those who are on the ground and would be willing to participate in such an effort, fully cognizant of the backlash. Together, we can identify more activities and develop a more formal action plan. Looking forward to hearing from you. Better Liberia Organizer FORMATION OF THE BETTER LIBERIA CAMPAIGN Objective Liberians with unique professional skills and acute nationalism must be engaged in the entire United States of America, Canada, South and Central America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and in the African Diaspora and Liberia, to rally around the purpose of establishing a highly funded, well organized and coordinated corps of professionals across all disciplines, male and female, young and old, geared toward the creation of an International Economic and Political Force and facilitating a change of the social, economic, and political order for the greater good of Liberia under the name “Better Liberia Campaign.” Vision In spite of our history, ethnicity and economic dispositions, we really do have a common patrimony and noble mission. Our training and experiences necessitates that we together focus our attention and enormous skill sets in an integrated way on our nation’s problems. Professional Liberians working under a uniform creed that fosters integrity, accountability, with safeguards, and competence can provide meaningful solutions to our nation’s challenges. All patriotic Liberians in spite of their station or origin of forebears must now come to the table to begin to lay the ground for offering a more efficient leadership in support of positive results from the current term and specifically after the term of President Sirleaf. Our common enemies are incompetence and poverty not ethnicity. Organization Structure GOLD for BL should be headed by a Secretariat which will be the main decision making and oversight arm of the organization. The composition of the secretariat will be the Chairman who will be the head of the Secretariat, the Vice-Chairman who will be the direct assistant to the Chairman and the second in command, the Secretary General – Spokesperson who will be the third in line, and a combination of geographical and functional coordinators. The Secretariat will make decisions on all major issues affecting the organization such as formal positions on issues of national and international concern, participation in stakeholder meetings or major negotiations, financial and budgetary matters, restructuring of the organization, other operational issues as may be determined by the Secretariat, and guidance and decisions that are submitted by other arms of the organization. Gold BL will have one Coordinator each for Europe, Americas, Australia, Asia, Africa (excluding Liberia) and Liberia. The regional coordinators will be responsible membership and coordination in their respective areas. GOLD BL will also have functional Coordinators in the areas of Communications & Media, Public Policy and Law, Economics and Finance, Governance, Technology & Infrastructure, Social Services, and Security. As the need arises, the Secretariat is empowered to add Coordinators for additional areas and functions on a two-thirds majority vote. For other purposes, the leadership will serve as Board of directors of GOLD for BL. GOLD will be a registered entity in the diaspora and in Liberia. TERM Prior to the formal formation of GOLD, the interim leadership will be decided by majority vote of those who are active and due paying members. Once the group meets a critical mass of at least 75 committed and due paying members and not later than February 2015, an international convention will be convened and the leadership will be elected to a term of two years. TERMS OF REFERENCE GOLD shall have the following officials: Chairman Functional Vice Chairman The Functional Vice Chairman will be responsible for all functional units of GOLD. Regional Vice Chairman The Regional Vice Chairman will be responsible for all geographical units of GOLD. Secretary General – Spokesperson The GOLD Secretary General – Spokesperson will be a high profile personality who embodies the objectives of the GOLD BL and through their advice, articulation, and influence will advance the objectives and agenda of GOLD BL. Europe Coordinator The Europe Coordinator shall be responsible for mobilization in Europe, executing the GOLD strategies as decided by the Secretariat and ensures that the mission and vision of GOLD BL is communicated to all Liberians and friends of Liberians resident in Europe. The Europe Coordinator ensures that the regional mobilization process is executed efficiently. The Europe Coordinator is responsible to escalate major issues and concerns to the Secretariat and report on all membership and mobilization activities. Americas Coordinator Australia Coordinator Asia Coordinator Africa Coordinator Liberia Coordinator Communications & Media Coordinator (CMC) The Communications & Media Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of all GOLD national and international communication and media activity. The CMC will be responsible for developing all standard GOLD materials, managing media, and international marketing of GOLD Public Policy and Law Coordinator Economics and Finance Coordinator Governance Coordinator Technology & Infrastructure Coordinator Social Services Coordinator Security Coordinator MEMBERSHIP All desirous Liberians can become members of GOLD BL. Requirements of membership are: By-Laws and Constitution Legalization Headquarters and Regional Offices The official headquarters of GOLD will be in Delaware, United States of America… GOLD will have regional offices in Europe, Americas, Australia, Asia, Africa (excluding Liberia) and Liberia. Mobilization Strategy The Better Liberia mobilization strategy will be based on successful engagement with all Liberians about their economic empowerment through agricultural and small business opportunities, their fundamental rights, the value of their votes (including civics, voter education and voter registration process), the relationship between government and the people, and what the philosophy of a Better Liberia means. The Better Liberia membership and awareness strategy in Liberia will be based on an aggressive approach to expose the concept to all Liberians. The strategy will involve: 1. initial recruitment of Mobilizers who will be well versed in the concepts of a Better Liberia and will be the key leaders who will be dispersed to the various counties to recruit and train membership to become active members, supporters, or mobilizers of the Better Liberia concept. 2. strategic identification of specific districts/localities in which the Better Liberia concept will be more easily accepted and adopted; 3. attract other organizations that are currently doing similar activities to join the BL Campaign in order to enjoy greater collaboration, participation, and economies of scale; 4. empowerment of the Mobilizers to deploy into the specific districts/localities to create awareness, morale, and enthusiasm around the Better Liberia concept and recruit members 5. Documentation of the entire mobilization process that includes a database containing demographic information of all persons engaged by the mobilizers with specific identifiers for those who embraced the Better Liberia concept and became members and monthly reports on mobilizations efforts and progress In order to implement the Mobilization Strategy and achieve the desired result of national awareness of the BL concept and create membership, below is an estimate of the total number of resources and the total cost associated with executing the strategy. The table illustrates the resources needed and the total estimated cost of each plan. The associated timetable of events for the execution of this Strategic Mobilization Plan is in Appendix A below. Matrix 1: Summary of Plans & Costs ITEM AMOUNT Training Resources $30,000 Training Materials $10,000 Mobilization Materials (design, development, & purchase) $75,000 Transportation (low end estimate; bikes & gasoline) $45,000 Technology & Communication $45,000 Local Training $15,000 Build Awareness, Morale, and Enthusiasm $50,000 GRAND TOTAL $210,000 (We will need to look at the above table and make it more realistic) Roles and Responsibilities The roles and responsibilities necessary to execute the mobilization strategy including initial recruitment, resource identification, training, logistics, documentation, and mobilization are outlined below. For better outreach, efficient and effective dissemination of information, and for the easy and speedy rallying of members into action, utilizing detail maps of the various counties, the team will divide the seventy three (73) electoral districts into quadrants. This ensures that locals can assume leadership at the county and district levels thereby increasing local involvement and ownership in the Better Liberia concept delivery. Maximum involvement and commitment is necessary to ensure a successful mobilization strategy. The roles are based on a hierarchical structured beginning with District Coordinators (DC) who will own specific districts. The DCs will report up to the County Manager (CM) and everyone is accountable to the Mobilization Program Manager (MPM). This structuring will enable focused mobilization and reach back support to ensure that members in the field are provided the necessary support and resources to be successful. The desired mobilization cannot be achieved without local administrative structures and involving the local leaders themselves as an integral part of the mobilization chain of hierarchy. Role Summary # Role Summary of Activities Name (s) 1 Mobilization Program Manager (MPM) Manages the mobilization by executing the strategies designed above Ensures that the mobilization process is executed efficiently Escalates and reports all issues, risks, successes and failures to the BL leaders Consolidates all membership rolls and mobilization documentation Manages the updating and editing of the national database 2 County Manager (CM) Coordinates all activities in the county Monitors DCs and ensures they are actively engaged Handles issues and reports all open issues to the MPM Ensures DCs have all things necessary to complete their tasks Ensures all membership information is checked and verified Manages the updating and editing of the County membership Collects voter roll from DCs 3 District Coordinator (DC) Manages the planning and execution of local mobilization activities Resolves issues and ensure each issue its mitigation or response is documented Assesses the effectiveness of the issue responses Interacts with target groups and proactively engages them Creates membership roll Monitors towns, and districts for issues and sentiments, and reports to CM Provide early warning signals of any potential issues or trends Actions The Team will immediately identify and document all individuals who will fill the roles necessary for the mobilization efforts. This includes establishing the proposed mobilization structure in all counties and obtaining confirmation of the dedicated and committed participation of the identified members or volunteers. Resources The Team will make sure that all resources are properly trained in all aspects of Better Liberia economic empowerment, mobilization, and awareness campaign. Material will be created as guidance for all resources and training sessions will be held to ensure that all participants are knowledgeable about what needs to be done as well as potential strategies to be used to win people over to the BL concept. Training Training will occur as individuals in all roles are on-boarded to the effort. The first two days of each individual’s tenure as a Mobilization team member will be spent going over the materials and the process to ensure that they are grounded and understand what needs to be done. (How long is the training for?) Cost and Structure Analysis of Training Materials Materials Qty Unit Total Brochures Better Liberia letterhead Better Liberia backpack with logo Other paraphernalia Grand Total Strategy To create interest and maintain enthusiasm about the BL Concept, the team will derive several different activities including entrepreneurial contests, community project partnership, program of inter district sports tournaments; social programs (community debates, inter district queen contest, etc), community town hall meetings among other things. All of these activities will be free to participants, associates, and the general public to increase the level of inclusion. The specific dates for all of these activities will be detailed in a separate Mobilization Plan of Action and Milestones so that it can clear when specific events will take place, who will coordinate those events, what the activities are, and what the expected benefits are. All activities will be targeted towards specific audiences to achieve specific results designed to enhance the mobilization efforts of BL. Cost and Structure Analysis of Mobilization Activities Descriptions of Activity # of counties # of occurrences per county Total Cost per occurrence Total cost Business Partnership Forum 15 2 30 Block Parties & Street Jams 15 1 15 Intellectual Forums 15 3 45 Sports tournaments 15 1 15 Leadership & Business forums 15 3 45 Musical shows 10 1 10 Town hall meetings 15 3 45 Radio talk shows 15 10 150 Grant Total Long Term Strategy The long term mobilization strategy is to build an infrastructure in every district or community that has been educated about the Better Liberia concept . This puts BL directly in the communities, creates a consistent presence, maintains the BL visibility, and builds a personal and identifiable rapport with the community. The BL Team will launch an aggressive and vigorous campaign that will ensure a massive outreach to every corner of our communities throughout the length and breadth of the country. To achieve this ambitious goal, the BL team will engage in door to door mobilization and marketing, hold community and town hall meetings, political rallies, street jams, block parties, publicity, media outreach, etc. BL Team will identify locals who have a presence in their communities and are willing to actively participate in the ground game and recruit other to sign up for the ground game. Targeted Coverage Areas The BL concept will be initially rolled out in the highly populated counties, especially Nimba, Bong, Lofa, Bassa, Margibi, Montserrado and Gbapolu counties. Within these counties the BL team will identify strategic districts/localities in which the Better Liberia concept will be piloted with the criteria being the likelihood of acceptability and adoption by the locals. Communication/Media Strategy The Better Liberia concept will be aggressively and robustly marketed to the Liberian people in a variety of ways including but not limited to the below detailed activities. The BL team will establish a National Communications Team (NCT) to ensure coordination and implementation of the BL Communication and Media Strategy in direct correlation with the leadership team. The NCT will function as an intellectual think tank with the capability and resource to respond to and provide alternatives or positions on issues and topics of national concern, a generator of news and necessary propaganda, a rapid response team, as well as coordinate and formulate all official pertinent communication policies and processes of the organization. The NCT will be lead by a National Communications Director (NCD) who will report directly to the Communications & Media Coordinator on behalf of the NCT, while working directly with them to guarantee that the communication & media strategies and processes are followed and the specific targets and deliverables are achieved. Some of the high level categories of activities of the NCT are: creating business development and opportunities educational materials, maintaining website/social media presence; establishing website and social media discussion forum; creating print, radio and television branding and recognition of Better Liberia; create medium to facilitate texting & video messaging in local vernacular; build local & international media (radio, electronic & print) relationship; host economic development & intellectual forums; and provide media for civic & rights education. (This could well be a Secretariat because the jobs are enormous) Some of the specific actions the NCT will undertake include: Create variety of communication documents Actively manage the development of original write-ups for publication and for internal consumption Proactively coordinate necessary meetings with US officials and international organizations including the US State Department, European Union, foreign dignitaries, African Union, ECOWAS leadership; Develop, implement, and coordinate BL public relations, communication, and telecommunication strategies Establish positive working relationships with local, national, and international Media Houses, journalists, and radio Coordinate local Media Personnel BL related Stories and Press Releases, Establish a working list of Media Contacts to always send Releases and News Stories too Coordinate and direct media opportunities for BL as deemed necessary and develop talking points that ensure messages are as scripted as possible to ensure constant messaging. Present any and all officially written material, documents/strategies, research work, speeches, policy papers, etc, through a methodical anti-plagiarism clearing process to ensure intellectual honesty, originality and proper referencing where applicable. Create & place strategic news stories (Direct Mail/Campaign Emails/Fundraising Communication) Ensure consistent and constant messaging and effective dissemination Keep the website interactive and updated with current news and nation-wide community activities. Monitor daily news stories from: Online News Magazines/Organizations (FPA, TLJ, AL, etc), news dailies in Liberia and social sites (Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, CCL, etc) Funding Strategy Membership Support Fund Raising Investments Private Capital Social Programs Better Liberia will use the development of socio-economic programs as a major means of establishing the BL brand and empowering Liberians toward self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship. Some of the specific programs BL will implement are: Farming Cooperatives Micro Loans Entrepreneurship support through business training and guidance Civic Education Technology Resource Centers (elementary, high school, & university) Clean Up & Hygiene Campaigns Youth Sports Programs The Social Services Coordinator will be responsible to design the socio-economic programs that will create the GOLD BL brand and empower Liberians toward self-sufficiency Schedule of Implementation SHORT TERM Rollout of organization through social media and press releases 90 DAYS PLAN OF ACTION FOR GOLD ACTIVITY Date Lead Person Agree to structure of GOLD September 6th 2014 Everyone Donation of $100 each person for initial operation of GOLD June 15th -30th Everyone Set up GOLD Website September 15th Set up GOLD social networking sites i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc September 15th Recruitment Drive for GOLD members August- September Write letter introducing GOLD to the three branches of Liberian Government September 15th Publish introduction Letter in main Liberian newspapers and internet websites September 30th Get names and contacts of key international partners and groups; Global Witness, ECOWAS, Human Rights Watch, UN, AU, etc August – September 15th Get names and contacts of Civil Society groups in Liberia August – September 15th Researching issues of interest to GOLD for implementation in line with the 6 primary actions August - September 15th First activity should be live Latest September 15th Regular meeting Every Friday Monthly Due payment of $50.00 July 31st and August 31st Implementation of first set of pressure-driven activities Encourage all Liberian Diaspora Groups and patriotic individuals that are align with the goals and objectives of GOLD BL to confirm the failure of the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Government and to nationally and internationally confirm this failure through critical public rejection of same through open newspaper, radio and television broadcast of a consistent theme that will resonate with the public. Mobilization & Recruitment Empowerment Activities
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:02:23 +0000

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